Module Subjects 

Studied in Year 11 - 13

Module subjects are run for one period a week at both Years 11 and 12. There are three modules at each level with the year split evenly between all three.

In Year 11 learners engage in modules for Health, Religious Education, with the third module being a mix of Food Safety and Financial Literacy.

In Year 12 learners continue with modules for Health and Religious Education, with the third module changing to Physical Education. 

Financial Literacy - Year 11

Financial Literacy and Food Safety share a module timeframe. For Financial Literacy the goal is to help the learner learn some of the key ideas and language around personal finance. We begin with a comparison of the means of payment from Credit Cards to Layby followed by a session on Income and the basics of the tax code. We look at market rates and terms for borrowing and saving and use this to introduce key spreadsheet skills and to look at good financial habits as a skill we develop over time. We finish by taking a look at KiwiSaver and the very basics of investing, considering the balance of risk vs return. 

Food Safety - Year 11 

Food and Nutrition module aim is to introduce concepts and safe practices to the Year 11 learners so that should they wish to pick up Food and Nutrition in Year 12, they will have knowledge of safe food handling practices, nutrition and nutrients and an understanding of the bigger picture and how food and nutrition affects all areas of hauora and is influenced by our greater society. The skills and knowledge acquired here build a base to inspire everyday living now and beyond school years. 

Health Education - Year 11 & 12 

Each module begins with ‘student voice’ where learners get to identify topics of interest or what they think is important for their peers/cohort at the time. Student voice is valued and we can emphasise the topics of interest. Across both the year 11 and 12 modules we cover Sexual Health and Relationships, Pornography, Alcohol and Drug Awareness, Body Image and Hauora. The 'Loves me not', NZ Police education programme is incorporated into the year 11 module, with a focus around healthy relationships. 'Attitude' presents to the year 12 cohort with messages around Healthy Relationships. 

Physical Education -  Year 12

A module that allows learners to explore a variety of different physical activities impacting positively on wellbeing. Students engage in physical movement from yoga to team activities across this module. Reflection on their involvement is encouraged and exploring multiple channels that may impact them as lifelong learners is emphasised. 

Religious Education - Year 11 & 12 

Learners continue with the spiritual practice of journaling at the beginning of each class, enabling them to have a time of private reflection on their current stage of their 'journey' through life. In Year 11 we learn about the beginnings of the Anglican Church through the story of the Protestant Reformation and the Tudors. If there is time, we also explore the beliefs of Buddhism, visiting the Dhargyey Buddhist Centre on Royal Terrace to meet our neighbours and learn about their life and practice. In Year 12 we learn about worldviews before watching the movie The Life of Pi, reflecting on the questions the story raises of belief, God, and hope. If there is time, we also learn about cults and sects.