NCEA Level 2 Drama



Drama creation - Select and refine the use of techniques, conventions and technologies in specific dramatic forms

Drama creation - Research, critically evaluate and refine ideas to develop drama in specific dramatic forms

Drama performance - Rehearse and perform works in arrange of dramatic forms, respond to and make critical judgments about rehearsal processes and performance

Drama perspectives - Research the purposes of production, performance and technologies of drama in a range of contexts, including New Zealand drama 


There will be a variety of internally and externally assessed standards selected from below. Performances - ranging in scale - with at least one evening performance (which involves at least one technical and one dress rehearsal outside of class time). A portfolio with a variety of evidence (photos, graphs, sketches, lists, scripts, plans, observations and evaluations) is collated to support the practical work. 

Qualification gained 

Full course completion — 18 credits in NCEA Drama Level 2 

This subject has links with  

English, History, Music, Design, Dance, Photography, Art

Prior knowledge required

NCEA Level 1 Drama preferred

NCEA Level 1 Dance would be beneficial

Next Step 

NCEA Drama Level 3 

Achievement Standard

Course contribution: $90 indicative amount, may be subject to change. 

Attending a live performances, script purchases, costume/prop hire/purchase.

Comfortable mufti is essential to move freely in this class - Active wear/thermals and gym shoes/canvas/jazz shoes are necessary course equipment. 

A visual diary, a computer and a memory stick are useful tools in this learning environment.