Sustained Investigation #7

Title: Regardless Of How They Look

WidthxHeight: 12"x9"

For this project, we had to follow our question. Mine is "What makes a character likable?" I went on an art forum and looked up the question "What do you like in a character?", I saw many people say, "a character must be attractive me for to like them." And I have to highly disagree with that. A character doesn't need to be pretty to be likable. The best example I can think of is: Hunchbacks aren't considered "attractive" in the real world. Neither are older people. So, I did just that. But I made it so it was impossible to not like them, regardless of how they look. They both just look like sweet old hunchbacks looking for love. What's not to like?

The subject of my work is an old hunchback couple. The piece was made with newspaper, sharpie, charcoal, and the flowers and edges were burned on with a lighter. I worked with fire on this piece because I felt as though it would create an "older" effect. Everyone is different, there is no split line between what is and isn't beautiful.

I used color, form, texture and space in this piece. I tried to make the burned marks look like flowers as much as possible. I am kind of happy with how the flowers came out. I blended charcoal on the sides to exaggerate the burns. I'm iffy about this piece but it did come out decent when you compare it to the time I had to work on it.