Sustained Investigation #5

Title: The Pig Of Pride

WidthxHeight: 5"x7"

For this project, we had to follow our question. I ended up changing my old one which was "how can we turn something ugly into something beautiful?" I changed it to "What makes a character likable?" So I felt like drawing a pig. I don't normally draw pigs but to make him likable, I made him hold flowers of some pride colors. I wanted to make him look adorable and relatable. So I tried to make them look as likable as possible.

The subject of my work is a pig holding flowers. The drawing was made with charcoal and glued onto wood. The flowers were folded from paper. I wanted to be able to finish it before the next class and this was as simple as I could get. But I also struggled with the time I had. The hardest part about this was finishing it because I had to leave out some details in order to get it in on time. I wanted the walls to be plain so it wouldn't distract from everything else, but I also didn't want it to be too plain so I drew more flowers on it. I was going for a realistic piece but due to the time I had, I couldn't add as many details as I had hoped.

I used color, form, texture and space in this piece. I tried to keep the pig black and white while the only color was the flowers. I am kind of happy with the shading and kind of not happy with it. I'm iffy about this piece but it did come out decent when you compare it to the time I had to work on it. The fun part was making the 3D flowers.