AP Studio

Semester 1 Reflection

I think I've improved a lot through realism, style and clean ups. I really like how a lot of the pieces came out this year and it feels as though my anatomy has gotten better. Compared to last year, I felt I did much better.

I've struggled with staying out of my comfort zone. I can't help but always had a touch of my cartoon style to every piece I make and I really need to get out of that.

My artistic goals for the second semester is to do something out of my comfort zone.

Semester 2 Final Reflection

I have been most successful with having a variety of different styles and materials because the years before I stayed in my comfort zone. So now I learned to breach out and try new things while also staying similar throughout my artwork.

I have struggled with getting things in on time during quarantine because I had to juggle a full/part-time job, school work, college work, and commissions. But thankfully, I got my work in and got the credit for it. I also struggled with motivation because quarantine kept me in my room all the time.

My artistic goals for the summer/future are to continue doing commission work and learn to become more motivated to finish things. I want to keep learning and improve.