Scholastics #4

The subject of my work is a girl in a forest. She had found a dead caterpillar. The drawing was made entirely with colored pencil. I chose to create this because it's difficult to mourn over death, even the smallest of things. What our project was, was to create a piece to represent the mourning of death. The hardest part about this was deciding which colors to use and how to use them. I don't like the blue in the drawing, I feel like I could have used green or something and it would have given it better contrast. I also really dislike the proportion of the hands.

There was a meaning behind this piece is that people can mourn over the smallest of things (hence the caterpillar). The girl is younger to show a sign of innocence. She wears gloves to show that she is gentle. However... People think about art in many different ways. Anyone can take this anyway they want to.