Clay Animal

The subject of my work is a very very fat Walrus. I wanted to play around with making him look like a blob, and very chunky, haha. The work was made with clay. I chose to create this because I thought it would be fun to make a Walrus. The work is arranged from clay, to scratching, to glazing. I used shape, color, form, texture and space in the piece.

I wanted to do an axolotl, because those are so cute, but it seemed way too difficult for me. I ended up doing a walrus because those are fat and blobby, so if I messed up the shape, it would just look like a fat blob. :)

There is absolutely 0 meaning behind this piece... I just think walruses are cute. Though, with the scratched out parts, you could say there's a story behind that. I like space and galaxy's a lot (hence my google background). I tried to slide a Bob Ross thing into this, by making trees on the tail.