
The subject of my creation is a koala. He is stuck in a circle of anxiety (the ocean is supposed to show the fear of drowning compared to the fear of anxiety). The setting is an ocean, lake, river, whatever you want it to be. I just wanted to show drowning somehow. The work was made with skinny crayons. I choose to create this specific work because I like to draw things that relate to me. I struggle with normal anxiety (not the disorder) and it's basically living hell. The circles are the things holding the koala against their will, like how I feel over anxiety.

I was originally just going to leave it at one circle of a character stuck in a bubble that they can't escape, but I remembered how much I love to animate, so I did a little animation/type of thing, where each circle shows a scene. I eventually changed to this idea, and I love how it came out. The story is supposed to be anxiety and drowning and how they compare to each other. Above the water, you have messages telling you, "you can do it!" However, below the water, you have the "truth" and you think you can't do it.