Scholastics #5

The subject of my work is a deer. The drawing was made with finepoint pen, charcoal, colored pencil, sharpie and highlighter. I chose to create this because there was an artist once that drew her feelings into art, and one of those was her as a deer, and arrows going through her. I wanted to study skeleton anatomy, so I took that idea and made it my own original idea. What our project was to create a piece to represent the mourning of death. The hardest part about this was adding color. I don't like how it is difficult to see with all of the black lines. I also really dislike the shortness of the arms, I noticed that when I was almost finished shading them. I was going for a cartoony but also realistic drawing.

There was a meaning behind this piece is how a deer is struck by arrows, and the skeleton is supposed to resemble the death of it. I only really like the skull, everything else was kind of sloppy and uneven. I feel connected to this piece, because I feel like everyday of my life, I'm being struck by something. However... People think about art in many different ways. Anyone can take this anyway they want to.