Wire Sculpture

For this assignment, we were asked to create a cube out of wire. We followed directions from the sheet we were given and used the skills we learned from the chain practice to make this project. I started by making two congruent squares out of wire using the template and needle-nose pliers. After that, I cut a long piece of wire and cut it into four congruent lines, each the length of the shorter side of the squares. I made small hook connections on each side of the wire pieces and connected them to the corners of the squares. If I could go back and improve my piece, I would make the hook connections smaller because since they were big, it made my cube not as stable as I would've hoped.

For this assignment, we were asked to create a wire sculpture out of an object we had at home. I chose a small wooden bird because I thought it would look cool when made out of wire. I started by making the base with two squares and small connections on the top and two of the sides. I then made the two legs out of double-twisted wire. The frame of the bird was the hardest part for me because it wasn't stable for a long time. Once I added enough connections and it was stable enough, I attached the body to the legs/base and started wrapping thing wire around the body. I did multiple layers until it wasn't very see-through when looking at it from the side. Lastly, I made the beak by wrapping the wire around wooden bird's beak then putting it on my wire sculpture. If I could go back and make revisions, I would try and make the bird's head smaller because it isn't very proportional to the original. But, I am proud of how I perservered and how the body came out (other than the head).