Concentration #2

Bottom of the Pond

For this assignment, we were asked to create a second sculpture that was based on our 3D concentration. With my concentration being growth/nature, I knew I needed to include some sort of animal/plant. For my first concentration sculpture, I really enjoyed using mixed media, which was clay and sculpey. Additionally, I wanted to broaden my concentration of growth to animals, as well. So I decided to make a clay head sculpture with a plant and two fish made out of sculpey to put on the top of the head.

I started by making the clay head by making five separate pinch pots, making the chest, neck, head, and chin. I used small metal tools to make details, such as the lips, nose, and eyes. I studied the plaster forms in the art room to attempt the most realistic features possible. Once the clay was smoothed out and at the greenware stage, I trimmed the form using a flat metal tool and shaved the uneven parts off. Once the clay was dry, I bisque fired the form.

To make my sculpey flora and fauna, I started with the koi fish. I mixed colors of pale pink, orange, and black to add depth to the fish. I also used small tools to add texture details, but I would later use paint to add more detail. I made a lotus flower using a mix of pink, purple, and red sculpey, and then layered different size petal shapes to make the flower. Lastly, I added a yellow, textured sphere in the center of the flower. I made another koi fish of the same size as the first one and baked all three pieces.

When my sculpey pieces were hardened, I used acrylic paint to add extra detail to them, like scales of the fish, and extra color to the flower petals. Lastly, I used sculpey glaze on all three pieces to give them extra shine and depth.

After the first firing of the clay head, I painted on three layers of turquoise glaze to represent water that allows the flower and fish to survive. Once the head was fired for a second time, I completed my sculpture by gluing the fish onto the forehead and back of the head and then gluing the lotus flower on the top of the fishes backs. This piece might be one of my favorites that I've ever made because I think it holds a lot of meaning, and it also demonstrates my concentration in a unique way.