Ceramics I

Out of all of the pieces I made in this course, I am most proud of my Historical Coil Pot (pictured). I am most proud of this project because I think the form is very symmetrical and uniform, which is hard when creating a large piece with curved sides. I also think I did a good job with the texture of the pot, as it is very smooth and the rivets I made are in a fairly consistent pattern. In addition, I think the handles I made came out nicely and the glaze I chose complements the pot nicely. From doing this project, I learned how much modern ceramicists are inspired by ancient art forms and techniques. I think this project is a good combination of ancient and modern art.

From taking this class, I have learned a lot about the art of ceramics. I have especially learned how much work and effort goes into making every piece. I have gained an immense amount of respect for ceramicists who make giant and intricate pieces, as I now know how much time they have spent on creating them. As for myself, I have learned that working with clay is one of my favorite styles. I really enjoy the hands-on aspect and I really like seeing the process of the pieces coming together. I also really like how versatile clay is, as you can make anything from a curvy pot to small sculptures just by using different tools and techniques.

If I were able to change anything about this course, I would actually really like to learn exactly how the kiln process works, and how to use the machine itself. I think it's important to know how the firing process works, since it plays a big part in the completion of our work. Also, I think a project that involved using multiple glazes would be interesting, because I used two glazes on my slab platter and I really liked how it came out, and it was really fun experimenting with multiple glazes and seeing how they would look together.