
For this assignment, we were asked to make a line value scale on a scratchboard. This project was to get us used to using scratchboard and the different scratching tools. We used different amounts of pressure and different techniques to make multiple values/shades.

For this assignment, we were asked to take a black and white photo and recreate it on a scratchboard. I took a picture of a breakfast scene and used multiple different scratching tools to put it on the scratchboard. I wanted to use this picture because it had many different textures and I thought it would be a good challenge. I am very happy with my end result because although the texture doesn't look exactly like the picture, I think it is proportional to the photo and looks 3D. If I could go back and change something, I would make the handle on the bowl a little lighter by scratching more on the board. Overall, I am very happy with my scratchboard project.