Linocut Self-Portait

For this assignment, we were introduced to linocut prints. We were asked to create a small print that had opposites on it, so I chose fire and water. I traced out a flame on one side of the slab and waves on the other. I used small and large cutting tools to add dimension to my print. When it came to using ink, I rolled a thin layer of black ink onto the block and printed it onto a small piece of paper. I repeated this process one more time after making some improvements to my block print.

For this assignment, we were told to take a self-portrait and make four different prints with it. First, I transferred my picture onto a block and carved out the negative space. Next, I used black ink and a brayer to make four separate prints. The first I kept black and white, the second I used watercolor to make a vine design, the third I used white ink on black paper, and the fourth I printed onto floral wallpaper. I am most proud of my watercolor print because I think it represents myself and I think the vines look really good. If I could go back and revise anything on my prints, I would try and make my white ink more pigmented.