Linear Perspective

For this assignment, we had to create three projects using linear perspective. For the first assignment, we had to use a vanishing point, horizon line and orthogonal lines to make five shapes look 3-D. The second project was to create a fictional room with furniture, also using a vanishing point and orthogonal lines. The final project was to recreate a hallway of the school using vanishing point and orthogonal lines. For all three projects, I only used pencil. For the final summative project, I decided to recreate the main entryway because I thought it was the most interesting hallway with the most detail. For revision, I went back and thickened or thinned out the lines to make it more realistic to the actual setting. I also made sure the lines were as neat as possible. I am proudest of how my projects are very neat. Also, on my summative project, I am very proud of the hallway on the left because it looks very realistic. I struggled a little bit with the trophy case because I wasn't exactly sure where the lines should have lined up. If I could go back and make my piece stronger, I would shade in some more places to give the hallway a more realistic feel.