Advanced Studio Art

Semester I Reflection

Throughout the first semester of taking Advanced Studio Art, I have learned a lot about myself as an artist and a creative in general. By creating a sustained investigation and making many works that all relate to one another, I feel as though I have been able to find my artistic style and refine it by improving my skills with watercolor, acrylic, and gouache paint.

During this first semester, I believe that I have been very successful with using watercolor. While it has always been my favorite medium to work with, I never had the proper skills to add immense detail, but also have the softness that watercolor gives. However, after experimenting with different techniques, and after lots of trial and error, I have learned how to correctly layer my watercolors and how to mix colors really well. As a result my watercolors paintings have gotten much more detailed, especially portrait paintings, and they have become much more accurate in regards to color and shape.

On the other hand, I have struggled with playing with perspective during the first semester of this course. While I've attempted to do different perspectives with my portraits, they typically haven't come out as accurate as I initially anticipated. My action plan for solving this issue is to take more reference photos so I can have references for all angles. Also, I plan on trying different materials to see if that will help with the accuracy of my art, especially portraits.

Overall, I would say that my artistic goals for the coming semester are to improve my skills on different perspectives, specifically making them more accurate and also trying new perspectives because it will push me out of my comfort zone. In regards to materials, I want to grow my skills with watercolor, such as learning new techniques, but I also want to experiment with new materials, such as 3D mediums or working with more colored pencil, pen, or graphite.

Final Reflection

Throughout the entire year taking Advanced Studio Art, specifically the second semester, I have learned a lot as a person, which has translated to my success as an artist. Half-way through my second semester, the pandemic caused all schooling to transfer online. In a matter of one day, I went from making art in a studio with limitless materials, to making art at my small bedroom desk with a few brushes and watercolor paints. This challenge, while difficult at first, really showed me that art can be made anywhere. Using the few materials I had, I still managed to make art and complete my portfolio, which is something I am very proud of. Additionally, the messages behind my art have become more mature and closely related to my life as a senior living through a pandemic.

Overall, I believe that my greatest success this semester has been deepening the messages behind my art and adapting to working from home without the guidance of Ms. Medsker. I struggled with motivation at the beginning due to this, but I believe that I overcame it.

In the future, I hope to take many art classes at the University of Connecticut. I want to strengthen my 2D and 3D design skills, and I have been wanting to get into photography as well. Also, I am going to college for Speech Pathology, and one day, I hope to incorporate art/making things into my career when helping children learn to communicate.