Music Around Us - Music in Dances

We learn music in dances focusing on tango, cha cha and waltz. We learn that there are specific beats in each dance form, and the tempo and dynamics of the dances tell people how the dance is.

We used Song Maker from Chrome Music Lab to create either a waltz or a cha cha. While creating, we have to bear in mind of the beats, tempo and dynamics which are unique to the dance. You can copy and paste the website address to listen to our composed music.

Music in Dance.csv

Cultural Music - Indian Music

Musicians express their feelings and ideas through their music pieces with the musical elements and concepts in mind. The instruments played in a particular culture are unique and evoke different feelings and emotions. We learn that through music, cultural heritage can be reserved.

To show that we can express ourselves in different emotions singing the same song, we changed the tempo and dynamics when we sang Karadi Mama so that different feeling would be expressed.

Ihdinash's group.mp4

Shazmeen, Melysha, Liya and Ihdinash

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with nervous emotion with adagio tempo and piano dynamics in mind. We sing with this emotion because our group is a little bit soft. We imagine that we are nervous and we don't know how to sing.

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with calm emotion with andante tempo abnd piano dynamics. We sing with this emotion because we have lulluby in mind. It is making us sleepy. We imagine that we are babies going to sleep.

Angelo, Ashwinaa, Akid, Hemal.mp4

Ashwinaa, Akid, Angelo and Hemal

Kyler's group.mp4

Kyler, Eliya, Phoebe, Alyssa and Farah

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with happy emotion with andante and mezzo forte in mind. We sing this emotion because we want to cheer everybody up. We imagine that a kid is happily walking home with a full mark in his spelling.

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with nervous emotion with andante tempo and piano dynamics in mind. We sing in this emotion because of our exam. We imagine that our parents scold us.

Elfira, Afiqah, Belinda, Haqimi, Aliy.mp4

Elfira, Afiqah, Haqimi, Aliy and Belinda

Shakira, Ivan, Shihan, Venetia, Olivia.mp4

Shi Han, Venetia, Shakira, Olivia and Ivan

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with happy emotion with andante tempo and piano dynamics in mind. We sing with this emotion so that people can also be happy after our singing. We imagine that we are skipping happily in the park.