Programme for Active Learning (PAL)

Games & Sports

Pupils are exposed to various experiential and explorative play while learning about personal and general spaces, fundamental movement skills (running, jumping, throwing) while incorporating socio-emotional competencies such as turn-taking, personal choice and collaborative play.

Outdoor Education

Pupils take part in outdoor activities that allows them to appreciate the nature and save the environment within their means. They are also exposed to activities that are usually carried out during Scouts, Brownies and Environmental Science CCAs. This gives them a feel of how the CCAs are like.

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By listening to different types of music and creating music using instruments and Garage Band, pupils learn socio-emotional competencies such as identifying own emotions, turns-taking, sharing and team work.


Pupils get to know their space as well as practice using their bodies in different ways. They also practice projecting and articulating their voice.

Visual Art

Pupils will handle various forms of art media and participate in collaborative art-making with their peers.