P2 PAL 2022

Through Programme for Active Learning (PAL) , students are exposed to a varieties of activities that allow students to develop their Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills. In addition, students also discover their strength and interest that would eventually help them in making an informed decision when they are selecting their CCAs at the end of the year.

Games & Sports

Pupils are exposed to a wider range of activities that includes body and spatial manipulation and other manipulative skills such as throwing, kicking, speed and reaction. Through these experiential learning, students are also connecting skills in PAL with Physical Sports CCAs available. Socio-emotional competencies are weaved in throughout the lessons such as responsible decision making, team work and pursuing excellence.


Pupils involve in music activities, that is, creating music using instruments and Garage Band, which allow them to learn socio-emotional competencies such as cooperation, decision making and being respectful. During the lessons, pupils are also exposed to some CCAs available in school.

Visual Arts

Pupils create artworks which take their social environments and culture into consideration.


Pupils are given the platform to use vocal and physical expression to convey important information and to show a character's emotions in a drama setting, giving them a chance to experience a drama CCA.

Outdoor Education

Pupils take part in outdoor activities that allows them to appreciate the nature and save the environment within their means. They are also exposed to activities that are usually carried out during Scouts, Brownies and Environmental Science CCAs. This gives them a feel of how the CCAs are like.