Music Around Us - Music in Dances

We learn music in dances focusing on tango, cha cha and waltz. We learn that there are specific beats in each dance form, and the tempo and dynamics of the dances tell people how the dance is.

We used Song Maker from Chrome Music Lab to create either a waltz or a cha cha. While creating, we have to bear in mind of the beats, tempo and dynamics which are unique to the dance. You can copy and paste the website address to listen to our composed music.

Music in Dance.csv

Cultural Music - Indian Music

Musicians express their feelings and ideas through their music pieces with the musical elements and concepts in mind. The instruments played in a particular culture are unique and evoke different feelings and emotions. We learn that through music, cultural heritage can be reserved.

To show that we can express ourselves in different emotions singing the same song, we changed the tempo and dynamics when we sang Karadi Mama so that different feeling would be expressed.Cultural Music - Indian Music

Musicians express their feelings and ideas through their music pieces with the musical elements and concepts in mind. The instruments played in a particular culture are unique and evoke different feelings and emotions. We learn that through music, cultural heritage can be reserved.

To show that we can express ourselves in different emotions singing the same song, we changed the tempo and dynamics when we sang Karadi Mama so that different feeling would be expressed.

Xin En, Freya, Ruo Xuan, Ruixi, Vanessa

Freya, Rui Xi, Xin En, Ruo Xuan and Xin Yan

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with calm emotion as Karadi Mama is considered a nursery rhyme, and nursery rhymes shoudl be clam as child do not know how to express emotions. Also, nursery songs are supposed to make kids happy (but not excited) and for them to sleep to. Since the song was sung in calm emotion, we sang it in moderato tempo and mezzo piano dynamics. We imagine a mother or a guardian singing it to a child during his or her afternoon nap.

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with an overjoy, but at the same, low emotion. The dynamics is piano and forte. The tempo is allegro and moderato. We chose overjoy is similar to happy, a feeling we feel daily. We imagine a girl skipping through the forest while singing Karadi Mama, holding a basket.

Xin Tong, Wiyah, Yi Ting, Arshritha, Hidayah.mp4

Kardawiyah, Yi Ting, Xin Tong, Hiyadah and Ashritha

Helen, Jiayuan, Jun Yang, Hong Mun.mp4

Jiayuan, Helen, Junyang and Hong Mun

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with both ovejoyed and annoying emotion. The father was annoyed as he was on his way to the house near the forest. The dog overjoyed as it hopped around and asked questions. The dynamics is forest, and the tempo is moderato. The dyamnics is forte and the tempo is andante.

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with a calm voice. We sang the song with andante as the tempo and mexxo forte as the dynamics. We imagine a beaver eating ice cream and enjoying it happily. Most of us thought of an animal eating ice cream. If we could change the actual song, we would change the second and the last part to a higher tone. We think it sounds deep. We choose that emotion because we think the madness represents the bear (We think it sounds very deep.) and calmness represents the dog from the YouTube video.

Min Yann, Chloe, Karissa, Sofia, Christine.mp4

Min Yann, Chloe, Karissa, Sofia and Christine

Zech, Ashton, Zon Zhen.mp4

Ashton, Zon Zhen and Zech

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with overjoy emotion because it is fun. The tempo is moderato and the dynamics is both forte and piano because it represents being happy. It is like a bunny wagging its tail and jumping.

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with calm emotion because it is slow and harder to mess up. The dynamics is mezzo piano. The tempo is moderato. Our group wants to sing properly, hence calm emotion.

Ee Cheer, Tun Chee, Elson, Alvin.MOV

Elson, Tun Chee, Alvin and Ee Cheer

Ying Fang, Le Yang, Eason, Lucas.mp4

Le Yang, Ying Fang, Eason and Lucas

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with mad emotion. We use largo and fortissimo (ff). We choose mad emotion because we want to compare the medium voice and angry voice. The angry imagination is that a football playing is scolding another football player for not passing the ball to him.

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with chill mood in swinging rhythm. The tempo is andante and the dynamics is piano because it is a very nice mood to be in. We imagine that it is summer in Singapore and we are relaxing at Sentosa Beach.

Amy, Jade, Yi Han (2).mp4

Jade, Yi Han and Amy

Fang Yue, Jia Fa, Qusairy, Le Kai.mp4

Jia Fa, Qusyairy, Fang Yue and Le Kai

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with mad emotion. We sang in allegro and forte. It makes us see that an angry bear stomping to his house and causes an earthquake. It kills all the animals in the world. We choose mad emotion because we think that it is a unique way of singing.

Musicians' statement: Our group sang Karadi Mama with calm emotion because we think that we want to sing it more peacefully, and if the tone is too high, the feeling of the song will be different. Since the song is sung in calm emotion, we sing in moderator and mezzo forte. It makes us see that they are just asking questions, not sad or angry.

Rosabelle, Jia Nuo, Hanyi (2).mp4

Jia Nuo, Rosabelle and Hanyi

4ED Hugo.mp4
