P1 Physical Education

CoL 2021 - Primary 1 Physical Education

For CoL 2021, we will be showcasing various works from Primary 1 classes from their Learning with Technology (LwT) assignment.

In Cycle 3 of LwT, pupils were tasked to create their own game based on the skills they have learned in school (e.g. underhand throw, self-toss and catch, etc.) and film themselves playing the games they have created.

We will also be featuring home videos of pupils practicing skills they have learned during PE lessons.

Explore the site to find out more about what our P1 ADP pupils have created!

What is Learning with Technology (LwT)?

LwT aims to develop metacognition and critical-thinking skills in our pupils by meaningfully incorporating technology in daily teaching and learning. It is an effective enactment of the curriculum and is an extension of topics learnt in daily classroom teaching. It encourages independent research and provides time and space for self-inquiry.

Our Primary 1 Classes