PD 4 Planning 4 ArtsEd

a compilation project sponsored by the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education

Missouri's statewide arts education organizations deliver high quality professional learning at their conferences and workshops. These resources list opportunities for professional development for YOUR school or district throughout the school year.

Professional Development planning tools for YOUR school.  

Below is a list of professional development opportunities available to bring to your school.

MAAE is compiling a list of professional development resources. 

The published compilation may be accessed through the MAAE newsletter and on the MAAE website.

If you have professional development opportunities to offer, please submit separate entries for each learning option you share. Submission form here! 

Tthis page will be updated as additional submissions are received.  

Scroll down to see all areas. Scroll  right to see more details. Click the popout button to view the entire sheet.


Scroll down to see all areas. Scroll  right to see more details.

Click the popout button to view the entire sheet.

Have a great idea for PD that you would like to share with others?  Your ideas are always welcome!

To submit your idea for PD or an arts education learning resource 


If you see any errors in above listed data - or if there are entries  

where a correction or an update would be helpful, 

please email director@moaae.org