Missouri Alliance for Arts Education

News Update

The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education is a non-profit arts education service organization comprised of the statewide arts education organizations, private citizens, and businesses that works to help Missouri's students receive high quality arts education at every level.


Legislative Updates

January, 2022

MAAE News Updates



MAAE Arts Ed Government Advocate


MAAE - 2021 Missouri Arts Ed Community Champion

Julie Hale
St. Louis, MO

Is there an elected or appointed member of the state or local government who champions the arts? These individuals play a critical role in reaching goals for positive outcomes in Arts Education. help us all shine! This award for the 2022 Arts Ed Government Advocate award can be a school board member, a state representative, a senator, or an employee of a state agency. Anyone may nominate a person for this award.

Nominations received prior to January 31, 2022 are eligible to receive this recognition in March of 2022.


Nominate someone today!

The 2022 deadline for nominations is 1/31/22.

MAAE Awards

  • Schools (or District) of Excellence and Distinction
  • Creativity and Innovation in Teaching
  • MAAE - Administrator of the Year
  • Arts Ed Community Champion (non-school staff)
  • Government Advocate (elected or appointed)

>learn more here

Dr. Larry Peeno

In Memoriam - Dr. Larry Peeno

We remember and celebrate Dr. Larry Peeno, a dedicated educator, researcher and leader in the field of art education who passed away on December 23, 2021. Larry’s impact can be felt across the State of Missouri and throughout the nation, due to his constant work to improve the quality of art education for students at all levels. As state art supervisor Larry helped move Missouri art education toward a more contemporary, comprehensive, and balanced curriculum, promoting studio art linkages with art history, art criticism, aesthetics, and cross-cultural art traditions. Larry was an energetic, much-loved and admired champion of art education.

MAAE Updates

Programs - Advocacy - Diversity - Research

Bicentennial Revisited

Check out Page 14 of the latest edition (Winter 21-22) of "Missouri Times" a publication sponsored by the State Historical Society of Missouri. In their review of the myriad ways in which Missouri came together to mark the 200th Anniversary of Missouri's statehood throughout 2021, you'll see images of the Missouri Festival Choir and their performance at statehood (coordinated by MAAE chair Jeff Sandquist) and many familiar faces of many of MAAE Allies including Grupo Atlantico and Art by E. Lewis among others. Happy 200th to Missouri! From murals, quilts and other textile art, to performances of all kinds, it is wonderful to see the arts so well represented.

Meet our MAAE Support Team

In addition to MAAE's executive director, there are several individuals who provide valuable services to assist with specific initiatives and tasks. Each brings unique talents and generously gives of their time and expertise to help MAAE initiatives succeed to help enact our mission and vision. You may be hearing from some of these folks in the coming months!

Phyllis Pasleyexecutive directordirector@moaae.org
Kyna ImanLegislative Liaisonkynaiman@earthlink.net
Rachael WenzelCommunications Director communicationsdirector@moaae.org
Jeff SandquistFine Arts Education Day Coordinator
Andrea BranstetterSHOW-ME Arts Coordinator
Vicki Bean
Senate Arts Exhibit

FAME Leadership Group - resumes February 10

Fine Arts Missouri Educators (FAME)

This free virtual professional learning network is here to help! The sessions allow attendees in any arts discipline to benefit from the collective wisdom of those present, and to learn about resources and opportunities which may be of interest. And, as always, MAAE stands ready to offer strategies for local arts education advocacy. Join us! Register 2/10/22.

View 2021 collected videos at https://maae.educate.today/. View 2021 press release.

Fine Arts Education Day

at the MO Capitol - 3-23-2022!

You can participate either virtually or in-person at MAAE's 2022 Fine Arts Education Day at the Missouri Capitol building on March 23, 2022. We welcome examples from ALL arts disciplines, at all levels.

Find here: the APPLICATION FORM to PERFORM in-person and/or VIDEO SUBMISSION FORM to participate in the virtual component of our Fine Arts Education Day '22.

Want to participate both Virtually AND In-Person? We will happily receive both your video submissions AND welcome you in person! If you have additional questions, contact Jeff Sandquist - jsandquist@moaae.org.

Sharing the great work you do with Missouri students helps us send powerful messages to stakeholders that the arts are a vital part of our collective social and economic recovery! >learn more here

Help student voices be heard - as they join other (Middle/High School age and older) student advocates working to promote arts education for all! Virtual and in-person participation options available.

Still thinking about it? Let us know of your interest https://bit.ly/SMartsSignup.
QUESTIONS? Contact SMarts Coordinator - Andrea Branstetter - advocacy@moaae.org

Leverage the power of student voice in support of arts education.

Plan to participate the MAAE's

Show-Me Arts Summit

Virtual Participation


3/8/22 @7pm or 3/10/22 @4pm

Content for both 1-hr sessions is the same. Plan to attend the one which fits your schedule best.

REGISTER for 3.8.22 @ 7pm

or REGISTER for 3.10.22 @ 4pm

PLUS a bonus Virtual component - 3/22/22 - 7-7:30pm

Show-Me Arts students often:

  • write letters, cards and notes

  • meet with legislators, department of education (DESE) officials and journalists

  • prepare statements, deliver testimony at legislative hearings

  • personally advocate for the arts at the Missouri State Capitol

  • gain a unique perspective of state government and grow as arts advocates and citizens

  • share the products of their arts education through exhibits or performances

In-person Participation


$45 per person

In-person options can include overnight stay options in Jefferson City and participation in Fine Arts Education Day in the Capitol Building March 23, 2022 available. (Includes overnight hotel accommodations (double occupancy) and Tuesday evening dinner, Wednesday breakfast and lunch)

Checkin and registration begins at 4pm on 3/22, first session 5:30pm REGISTER ONLINE or printable version

I.D.E.A. network Next session - January 13, 2022 @ 4:30pm

In response to feedback for the need for people to have a safe place for conversations as they address issues of connected to racism, inclusion, diversity and equity MAAE's RIDE committee began the I.D.E.A. Network - Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in the Arts. The next meeting of this FREE quarterly statewide roundtable discussions via ZOOM is set for January 13, 2022 @ 4:30pm. Any arts educators interested in furthering diversity work in their own communities are invited to join. Our next session REGISTER 1/13 HERE

Other work of MAAE's RIDE Committee's

  • Our first arts-oriented cross-cultural student experience bridging rural, urban communities is in the final stages of planning process and will involve students from Lebanon Missouri and from Kansas City Public Schools. The first student interaction sessions are scheduled for later in January. Interested in becoming involved in future initiatives, like this? contact director@moaae.org.

  • Biannual meetings with arts ed organization leadership are ongoing. Professional learning aspecs of these meetings are planned.


    • MAAE sponsored its first online PD workshop on 8/3/21 - Maria A. Ellis . A Blueprint for Equity and Diversity in the arts classroom A recording of the session is now available on the MAAE website and on Youtube. Link to Archive of the 8.3.21 session

    • The report from our listening sessions held in the fall of 2020 have guided our work to provide support for statewide arts education organizations' work in this field.

    • The online resource center has some valuable resources we've encountered and is under ongoing development.

Want to know more or join in the efforts? Email director@moaae.org.

MAAE helps sponsor School Wellness Symposium

Stoney Creek Hotel - Columbia, MO 12/6-7, 2021

The 3rd annual School Wellness Symposium sponsored by Missouri Association of Secondary School Principals was held 12/6-7 in Columbia, MO. MAAE was proud to be a co-sponsor in support of this important work. MAAE Executive Director, Phyllis Pasley gave a presentation on the Arts and Student Wellness as a part of the conference offerings.


PD Planning 4 Arts Ed

A resource to gather content-specific PD delivered by and for arts educators. Access the PD4Artsed menu in this MAAE newsletter (above) and/or on the MAAE website. Submit YOUR entries to add to this list here! Questions, email director@moaae.org.

New Teacher/Mentor Help Available

Got new teachers? We can help you - help them- be successful!
MAAE works with our artsed partners to help connect teachers within 24 months of their initial teaching contract with an experienced mentor in their particular arts discipline to help ensure that success. Contact
director@moaae.org or complete this short survey and we'll help you connect those new teachers in need with an experienced mentor in their specific arts discipline.

The MAAE RIDE Committee's August 2021 workshop A Blueprint for Equity and Diversity in the arts classroom - with Maria A. Ellis encourages arts educators to examine their practice to discover ways of being more inclusive!

Link to Youtube Archive of the 8.3.21 session

MAAE Student Contests

MAAE Student Contests (deadline approaching 1/31/22)

Now accepting entries. Consider including these opportunities in your lesson plans - not only for student learning, and the prizes listed, but to aid local advocacy efforts. Please also share this information with media arts and ELA colleagues.

500 words could

win a trip
to D.C.!

National Student Arts Advocate Essay Contest MAAE is seeking one exemplary student applicant to become a part of the Missouri delegation to Washington D.C. With virtual attendance in 2021 and a trip to our nation's capitol planned for 2022 the winning students will receive paid registration and air travel/hotel expenses to attend the National Arts Advocacy Summit in Washington, DC in 2022. Open to Missouri students age 14 and up - Candidates will also participate in MAAE statewide arts advocacy initiatives of Show-Me Arts and Fine Arts Education Day. The essay (500 words or less) is to be written on the theme“Public Funding in support of the arts and/or arts education is important to our country.”
DEADLINE - 1/31/22 >Learn more here.

In 120 seconds or less tell us how the arts and arts education continue to inspire you. Consider using the following prompts to get you started:

  • How have the arts shaped your life?

  • How have the arts given you tools to succeed?

TELL US! Share your stories!

DEADLINE for video submission - 1/31/22

#BecauseOfArtsEd Video Contest

Share your stories about how your life is better - because of arts ed . Policy-makers hearing YOUR stories, and the stories of your students - is one of the most effective forms of advocacy.

Open to both adults and students, let your video tell your story of the positive impact of the arts. This helps MAAE gather powerful messages which tell of the crucial role the arts plays in bringing you closer to your community, and its positive effects on your health and well-being.

In 120 seconds or less tell us how the arts and arts education continue to inspire you. Consider using the following prompts to get you started:

  • How have the arts shaped your life?

  • How have the arts given you tools to succeed? TELL US! Share your stories!

DEADLINE for submission - 1/31/22 >Learn more here.

Submission details:
In the upper left corner, list the student name, grade level, name of fine arts teacher who submitted the entry, arts subject the teacher teaches, school name (district and building), school address and school telephone number. Upload essay entries into this googleform.

Fine Arts Education Day Essay Contest

Open to students in Grades 3-12 - deadline 1/31/22

In 500 words or less, please ask your student to construct a typed, double-spaced entry (12-point font) in response to one of these prompts:

- How has music, visual art, dance or drama (theatre) influenced you or your life as a student?

- Why is it important for every school to provide instruction in the arts to every child every day?

A $50 prize will be awarded to one winning essay by students in each category grades 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 and $50 will also be awarded to their sponsoring fine arts teacher. The awards will be presented at the MAAE Fine Arts Education Day at the State Capitol in March. >more info

Questions contact director@moaae.org.

Student-Centered Learning Opportunities

The first-place winning entry could receive a $1,000.00 tuition waiver award!

MSU Virtual Juried Art Exhibition

Missouri State University is hosting a juried virtual exhibition to represent the best high school student Art and Design work in the region. Works are to be submitted in a Google Slide or Power Point Presentation via google entry form found at https://tinyurl.com/2022virtualjuriedentry

The first-place winning entry could receive a $1,000.00 award to use as a tuition waiver for the Art + Design Department at Missouri State University and may be eligible for much larger scholarships to Missouri State University. The deadline for submission is January 21, 2022.

>Learn more here.

Owensville High School Students artwork on display in President's Park

The National Park Service operates a program to showcase student artwork as part of the National Christmas Tree display on the Ellipse in President's Park in Washington, D.C. The Missouri's school selected to participate this year was Owensville High School in the Gasconade County. R-II School District. View the OHS Ornament Slideshow sharing the work all of the student artists who participated. Missouri's participation in this program is coordinated by the Fine Arts Curriculum area of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Missouri Fine Arts Academy - June 12-20, 2022

The Missouri Fine Arts Academy (MFAA) is accepting applications for a two-week summer residential program for highly motivated student artists passionate about their work in visual arts, theatre, dance, creative writing, and music. MFAA offers an intensive schedule of classes in interdisciplinary and discipline-specific arts, and a wide range of co-curricular activities. Learn more at these links: MFAA 2022 Hub or MFAA homepage and contact the organizers here.

MAAE Arts Integration

Arts educators and non-arts educators are welcome to join these sessions!

MAAE MAIN Events resume Jan 24, 2022
REGISTER 1/24/22 - 4pm

The Missouri Arts Integration Network professional learning community welcomes Amy Berridge Manager, Studio Experiences, and Bonnie Thomas, Manager, Educator Programs and Resources in the School Programs and Partnerships Department at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. They will share an arts-integrated lesson involving natural materials and stop-motion animation inspired by Andy Goldsworthy's Walking Wall. The lesson will be available for teachers to check out from the Educator Resource Center and will also be included in a larger Environmental Art kit that is still in development. They look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Plan to join us on 1/24/22! REGISTER

Academic, social and emotional benefits happen for teachers and students when you integrate art into your lessons! >Learn more

Data Driven Design Research Teams Sought

MAAE is seeking arts integration practitioner partner teams in both arts and non-arts subjects in the same school who want to team up to use an arts integration approach to positively impact academic achievement. With customized units or projects to meet your school's distinctive needs, teams will work with an arts integration coach to facilitate their work. Interested? email director@moaae.org for more information. Please help spread the word! Reach out to a colleague and join this effort!

MAAE's Arts Integration Committee

Work continues to refine the tasks in the areas listed below.

1. Support and promote current work in arts integration of others

2. Promote arts integration as a beneficial instructional approach to

teaching and learning and recruit additional practitioners

3. Research attitudes and best practices to support and recruit wider proliferation of an arts-integration approach to teaching and learning.

Want to know more or join in the efforts? Email director@moaae.org.

Arts Integration Allies


Arts Integration Workshops

MAAE is proud to support and promote this important work which has such far reaching benefits for teaching and learning.

MORE FREE ARTS INTEGRATION WORKSHOPS sponsored by KS/MO Partnership UPCOMING (Virtual): Creatively Moving Through SEL with Jessica DiLorenzo. Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 4-6:00 PM.

The Kansas/Missouri Partners in Education Summer Symposium hosts professional development throughout the school year. You are invited to attend their next one which will be held as an In-person workshop.

The Many Ways to Move Through the Curriculum

With: Harlan Brownlee For teachers of grades: K-8

Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 4:00 PM 7:00 PM

SMSD Center for Academic Achievement (map)

Dance is not one thing. It is many. There are multiple ways to effectively use it in the classroom as an instructional approach depending on your learning objectives and placement within a unit of study. Join Kennedy Center Teaching Artist, Harlan Brownlee, as he draws on his 37 years of teaching experience and guides participants in a series of participatory movement-based structures designed to integrate into daily lesson plans and increase instructional effectiveness. Dress comfortably to explore this toolbox of movement strategies and leave with the knowledge of when and why to use them and get your students moving through the curriculum! REGISTER for this 1/19/22 in-person event here. Boxed dinner provided.

excerpt- Episode #5 "Wrangling Anger"

"In the Workshop" An arts integrated Resource from Mesner Puppet Theatre

"In The Workshop" is a social-emotional learning supplement for educators of preschoolers and early elementary students. The program empowers educators to teach social-emotional learning through art, storytelling, and puppetry. The episodes track the characters as they learn valuable skills in order to work together and grow; improving emotional intelligence, empathy and resilience. Stories are eclectic and electric, vibrant and inspiring, with no shortage of foibles, conflicts and internal struggles for young people to use as a mirror for their own social and emotional development. The workshop components can be customized to meet the needs of your students. The cost ranges between $300-$1,000 depending upon options chosen. Scholarships are available to offset these costs. >apply here

FREE Arts Integration training opportunities throughout the school year
(both in-person and virtual) Open to all!
Learn more: https://www.ksmopartnersineducation.org/upcoming-events

Learn more about arts integration in Missouri through this video from the KS/MO Partners in Education Team from 2019. (4:30) Kansas City Young Audiences, Liberty School District, Johnson County Community College, Shawnee Mission Schools

an annual arts integration professional learning event

contact: Breana Kavanaugh
-Fine Arts/World Language Coordinator

Springfield Public Schools

bnkavanaugh@spsmail.org or 417-523-5532

view info about the 2021 Summer conference here- https://www.springfieldarts.org/SRAIC

Learn more about a wide variety of programming and arts integration learning available through COCA in St. Louis


COCA edu Arts Integration Professional Development Opportunities

contact Janelle Velten - COCAedu Program Mangaer

Arts Integration Specialist

jvelten@cocastl.org or


Help us stay connected! If you have welcomed a new colleague, please pass along this link and help us connect with them. If there is a friend to the arts who has a change of school, change of address, is retired or moved on we'd love to stay in touch with them, too! Email director@moaae.org. We will happily update your sending preferences as well.

Allies - Arts Ed Learning

Missouri Thespians annual conference January 20-22, 2022 returns to an in-person event.

Missouri Thespian Conference - St. Louis Union Station - 1/20-1/22

Missouri High School student attendees are registered by their MO-Thespians chapter sponsor to take part in exciting learning opportunities with their high school and middle school peers. Learn more about procedures for becoming involved here.

MMEA Conference - Tan-Tar-A - 1/26-1/29

MAAE is a proud sponsor and exhibitor for the upcoming Missouri Music Educators Association's professional learning conference slated for January 26-29, 2022 which returns to an in-person event. All Missouri music teachers are encouraged to take part in this valuable learning opportunity.

Learn more and register and MMEA.net

This event will also be an option for attendees of the MAEA Spring Conference.FREE WORKSHOP REGISTRATION
Registration must be received by April 2, 2022

This workshop is sponsored by the State Historical Society of Missouri, the Missouri Art Educators Association and the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education.

"Beyond the Box" Workshop

Friday, April 8th at 2:00-3:00pm in the SHSMO Center at UMSL (next to the Mercantile Library)

Free parking on the UMSL campus.

Do you have a collection of papers and artifacts at home or within your organization? Consider donating these items to the State Historical Society of Missouri! In this workshop, A.J. Medlock. - will lead participants forward through the process of making artifacts available for academic research. The Workshop is FREE and open to the public and will focus on SHSMO services and outline the process for donation of an organization's records and artifacts which will be housed in the SMSMO archives and made available to the public. A.J. will be walking participants through the process of collecting, organizing, and donating an organization's "papers" such as their mission statement, meeting notes, positions statements, publications and distributed materials, photos, cultural, historical, or educational milestones of significance to your organization.

The process is not limited to organizations. SHSMO seeks family documents as well! The SHSMO Center will also host (optional) tours of the collection and offer opportunities to engage with the wonderful art collection on display at the Mercantile Library as well. More details to come soon!

REGISTER HERE! Questions: Maggie Peeno, peenom@umsl.edu - 314-382-5367

MAAE helps support exceptional professional learning opportunities sponsored by statewide arts education organizations thanks to individual and organizational contributors and funding from the Missouri Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Francis Family Foundation.

  • Missouri Thespians - Jan 20-22, 2022

  • Missouri Music Educators Association (MMEA) - Jan 26-29, 2022

  • Missouri Bandmasters Association (MBA) - Jan 26-29, 2022

  • Missouri Choral Directors Association (MCDA) - Jan 26-29, 2022

  • Missouri Association of Jazz Educators (MOAJE) Jan 26-29, 2022

  • Missouri Association of String Educators (MOASTA) - Jan 26-29, 2022

  • Missouri Art Educators Association (MAEA) - April 7-9, 2022

  • Missouri Dance Organization (MDO) - Spring Conference - June 24-26
    hosted by the Missouri Contemporary Ballet in Columbia, MO

  • Missouri Bandmasters Association (MBA) - June 19-22, 2022

As well as

  • Missouri Thespians Leadership Conference -

  • Missouri Music Educators New Teacher Training -

  • Speech and Theatre Association of Missouri (STAM) -

  • Missouri Art Educators Association (MAEA) Fall Conference -

DESE Updates

Jan 24-25 - Powerful Learning Conference

@MoEducation #MOPWR2022

Early registration fee $200 (before Jan 10, 2022) and $250 regular registration. Download the brochure to select sessions and register here.

Note the sessions on Arts Integration led by our Allies from Liberty Public Schools!

As it has for over 20 years, the Powerful Learning Conference continues its focus on supporting educators in implementing effective, evidence-based practices in Missouri’s public schools with the goal of improved student learning for every student in every school. The Conference is aligned to DESE's goals of promoting strong leadership, Collaborative Climate and Culture, Effective Teaching and Learning, Data-Based Decision Making and Alignment of Standards, Curriculum and Assessment. National Speakers include: John Hattie, Nancy Frey, Doug Fisher and Weston Kieschnick.

Virtual Interface Conference 2022 - Feb 22-24, 2022

Looking for Professional Development this year and teach a lot of STEM units/activities, you might consider the VIRTUAL Interface 2022 sponsored by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The sessions are synchronous but videos will be available for 90 days. MAAE allies will be presenting at the 2022 Interface Conference. Abby Crawford, of St. Louis-based COCA will present "Studio Habits of Mind: Educating Students to be Good Thinkers" MAAE Arts Integration committee member and COCAedu's Janelle Velten, will present "Decolonizing the Language of STEM" for both the "A" track (grades K-6) and the "B" track (grades 7-12.) Registration fee is $100 and $50 for pre-service teachers.

>Learn more here.

Fine Arts Standards in action

The Missouri State Board of Education observed Missouri Learning Standards in action with as the presence of student art work which was broadcast during intermissions during the Livestream broadcasts of the December 7, 2021 meeting. On this date, the broadcast featured music from the MMEA 2020 All-State Jazz Ensemble along with images of student artwork from Doniphan Middle School. Jamie Pendergrass, Art Instructor. These examples of student artwork are shared through the efforts of DESE's Bradley Scroggs, Director of Media Production Services and Roger Kelley, Arts Education Director. The audio recordings were shared through MAAE's collaborative partnership with Shhh! Audio Productions, Scott and Danelle Harris, proprietors.

Regional Teacher of the Year Nominations

The 2023 Regional Teacher of the Year award is open for nominations. Click here to nominate an educator who has gone above and beyond for their students and/or your school community. The nomination period closes on April 15, 2022. The Teacher of the Year program aims to recognize the contributions of the classroom teacher to a quality and effective learning environment.

In case you missed it...
MAAE celebrates that arts educator - James Young, a Musical Theatre, Vocal Music, and Guitar teacher at the Johnson-Wabash 6th Grade Center in the Ferguson-Florissant School District, who was selected as the 53rd 2022 Missouri Teacher of the Year.

Pioneer in Education Award - Nominations Open

For nearly 50 years, the State Board of Education and the DESE have selected individuals to be honored as Pioneers in Education, in recognition of their distinguished careers and contributions to public education. Nominations received by February 28 will be considered for recognition in 2022. Nomination form here.

Esser Fund Support resources available on the MAAE website. The tools there can help you communicate with decision makers.






Access reports from the State Board of Education Meetings via the MAAE website. [under Home/Arts Ed in MO] Email director@moaae.org if you'd like to be added to the email list and receive these reports directly to your inbox.

Missouri Arts Council Updates

Experience the latest featured artists on MAC's website here and scroll down to meet previously featured artists of the month.

Featured Artist Series

The Missouri Arts Council features Missouri Artists on their website each month. Applications are always open for artists living in Missouri. Featured Artists are celebrated on MAC's website and through their communications. Artists are paid a stipend in cooperation with Mid-America Arts Alliance.

Congratulations to all of the December featured artists listed below.

Joachim Knill - installation artist - Hannibal

Cheryl Eve Acosta - metalsmith, sculptor, jeweler - Kansas City

Andrew Batcheller - oil painter - Joplin

Sukanya Mani - interdisciplinary artist - Ballwin

in case you missed it

Show Me the Music is a kaleidoscope of many of Missouri’s musical genres, played by musicians from around our state. Filmed at The Sheldon Concert Hall in St. Louis in May, 2021 to help celebrate Missouri's Bicentennial, Performances include: Jazz pianist Peter Martin and friends, Fiddler Howard Marshall and friends, Blues, R&B, and rock vocalist Anita Jackson and friends, Ragtime pianist and composer Royce Martin, Bluegrass star Rhonda Vincent and her band, The Rage, Classical ZouM Faculty New Music Collective from the University of Missouri–Columbia, performing Waterways by Mizzou professor Stefan Freund, commissioned for the Bicentennial

View The Sheldon's accompanying info and lesson resources.

Advocacy Avenues

This is still an easy option to build local advocacy! Sign the pledge HERE!

ACTION ITEMS for Arts Educators:

  • #1 Sign the pledge,- Encourage others -- anyone can sign! Admins, parents, orgs and more!

  • #2 Download and customize the school board resolution document. View these considerations before taking this to your local school board.

  • #3 Share your Stories! Help the public know appreciate and value the wonderful arts experiences your students have every day! #MOartsAREeducation and @MOartsed. (examples courtesy of Kathy Hann, FoxC6: example #1 - example #2 )


GOOGLE SLIDES TEMPLATE -Thanks to Ben Martin and to Cal State U of San Marcos for the Art = Opportunity images and research compilation.

Like/Follow Missouri Citizens for the Arts on social media @mo4arts.

Adopt-a-Legislator MAAE & Missouri Citizens for the Arts

MAAE is working with arts education organizations to build a statewide coalition of arts advocates we call "Arts Champions." Our partners in Missouri Citizens for the Arts have created an Adopt-a-Legislator program. The goal is to partner all 197 Missouri legislators with an arts advocate in their district, to build relationships and help increase understanding about the impact of pending legislation on the arts and arts ed.

Missouri Citizens for the Arts is non-partisan and advocates to secure stable financial support for the arts to benefit Missouri and its citizens. They welcome new members! https://mo4arts.org/

RAC Survey - ongoing

Led by the Regional Arts Council (RAC) of St. Louis, local artists, musicians, venues, and production workers are engaging in an important conversation about the future of the music economy in St. Louis. Topics range from pay inequity for local talent to issues that arise within neighborhoods surrounding venues, and of course, the challenges that are arising as we collectively attempt a postCOVID recovery. Each perception matters! Be a part of the conversation and complete this survey about the St Louis music ecosystem:

To learn more about RAC's current efforts, click here.



Americans for the Arts reports results from two 2021 COVID-19 Impact Surveys: one is for organizations, and the other is for artists. Reports include financial and employment impact data about the challenges facing the arts sector in relief/recovery efforts and a return to in-person activities. The findings will help prioritize initiatives and communicate to funders and decision makers at the local, state, and federal level.

News and PD from our Allies

Entries are due Feb 2, 2022

MAEA's Youth Art Month

2022 Youth Art Month exhibit is an annual event at the Missouri capitol sponsored by the Missouri Art Education Association (MAEA). It can include paintings, drawing, pastels, photography and other student art submitted by Missouri teachers who are members of the association. Entries are due Feb 1, 2022

To learn more about Youth Art Month and how you can participate, check out the Missouri Art Education Association website.

Trauma Informed Schools Training

January 6, 2022 | 1- 4:00 pm Central | Live Online

Missouri Institute of Mental Health sponsors Trauma Informed Schools Online Conference: You will learn:

1) ​​​​​​The definition of trauma-informed school​​​​​​​

2) ​​​​​​Trauma-informed screening in school settings

3) ​​​​​​The importance of trauma-informed schools​​​​​​​

4) Principles and practices of trauma-informed schooling >Register here $59/pp

Editor's note - Within the signature of the email I received telling of the conference, and I was thrilled to see the arts reflected! see below
Rachel Jones, LPC - Manager of Trauma Informed Care and Director, Disaster Response State Grant, Missouri DMH - Division of Behavioral Health "Wellness practices only take a couple of minutes a day. Breathe, stretch, laugh or sing for a couple of minutes now!"

Is the path towards peace through Missouri’s native prairies? vimeo link to Peace in the Prairie preview.

St. Louis Story Stitchers on the road

Visiting St. Louis area high schools!

Story Stitchers is offering 15 minute performances that include dance and an anti bullying message via family-friendly hip hop to local high schools. Our elite performing troupe will come to your school cafeteria, half time in your gym, or school assembly program. Artists bring their own PA and are fully vaccinated. They will offer flyers and posters for students through school offices with details of Stitchers award-winning youth program.

Minimum audience of 100 students, staff.

Free to public schools. $300 for private schools.

To schedule please contact Branden Lewis, Youth Program Coordinator, branden@storystitchers.org.

Peace in the Prairie

Peace in the Prairie is a project of the St. Louis Story Stitchers Artists Collective, artists and urban youth ages 16-24, working to create positive social change through art, writing and performance to promote understanding, civic pride, intergenerational relationships and literacy. The artists of Saint Louis Story Stitchers work to shift perceptions and realities and bring hope to the Saint Louis community. The Story Stitchers message is peaceful co-existence and mutual respect.

Booking now for 2021/22. Bring Peace in the Prairie to your school, club, or organization either virtually or in person. Contact storystitchers@gmail.com.

Missouri Bicentennial Quilt Exhibition:

  • Dec. 14 -Jan. 28, 2022 – Columbia/Center for Missouri Studies

  • Feb. 1 – March 11, 2022 – SHSMO St. Louis Research Center

  • March 15 – April 29, 2022 – SHSMO Cape Girardeau Research Center

  • May 3 – June 14, 2022 – SHSMO Rolla Research Center

  • June 15- July 29, 2022– SHSMO Springfield Research Center

  • Aug. 2 – Sept. 15, 2022 – SHSMO Kansas City Research Center

Missouri Bicentennial Quilt

Travel Exhibition to Continue in 2022

The State Historical Society of Missouri is extending the exhibition of the Missouri Bicentennial Quilt through the fall of 2022. The one-of-a-kind quilt, featuring blocks from all 114 Missouri counties and the independent City of St. Louis, has been on display in communities across the state since 2020. With overwhelming interest by the public to have more opportunities to see the quilt, the State Historical Society is extending the quilt's exhibition and it will be hosting an exhibition of the Missouri Bicentennial Quilt at each of its six statewide research centers.

Beth Pike, Senior Strategic Communications Associate, Missouri Bicentennial who also travels with the quilt remarked: "If a teacher has an idea of having students create their own “quilt blocks,” visiting the quilt when it is on display in their area might be a fun project that gives students a little geography and history, too. The quilt includes a block representing each county in Missouri.


573-884-7904; Email: pikebe@shsmo.org; Website: missouri2021.org

MAAE encourages and celebrates collaboration among arts educational entities.

CAI partners with Kansas City Museum

Kansas City's Comprehensive Art Institute (CAI) celebrates their collaborative partnership with recently renovated and newly reopened Kansas City Museum which hosted CAI's annual Christmas Piano Recital. "I'll be doing this again in the Spring. The students were honored to perform in such elegant surroundings. This partnership is truly a blessing," said CAI's executive director, Angela Ward. Families were also encouraged to tour the museum after the recital.

This concert has been created in partnership with the Endangered Wolf Center and The James S. McDonnell Planetarium at the Saint Louis Science Center.

Live SLSO Education Concerts Return to Powell Hall

Ignite your students' curiosities and sense of wonder with Peter and the Wolf at Powell Hall with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. This 45-minute education concert, for students in grades 1-8, brings english language arts, science, and music together in a fun and engaging way. Reserve your $5* tickets today.

Wednesday, February 16 at 9:30am - Stephanie Childress, conductor Duane Foster, narrator

Learn more about this concert series here. Access the ticket order form here.

  • LOUISE FARRENC Overture No.1

  • SERGEI PROKOFIEV Peter and the Wolf


*Limited subsidized tickets and transportation are available for qualifying schools on a first-come, first-served basis. To inquire: email educationtickets@slso.org

SLSO education programs are presented by Steward Family Foundation.

Live concerts for younger audiences will proceed as conditions allow under recommendations of health and safety specialists. Click here for our current health and safety policy.

Also at SLSO

Picture the Music - invites students in grades K-6 to respond with paintings or drawings that express creative thought and emotion inspired by the music. This program integrates art and music and is aligned with both Missouri and Illinois Learning Standards.To enter students’ artwork into the competition, submit entries by Wednesday, January 19, 2022.

Express the Music - invites students in grades 6-12 to respond with prose or poetry inspired by the music. Express the Music authentically integrates creative writing into the English language arts and fine arts curricula and is aligned with both Missouri and Illinois Learning Standards.To enter students’ poetry or prose into the writing competition, submit entries by Friday, January 21, 2022.

Learn more at the links below and see our Teacher's Guides for ideas on how to integrate these projects with your school's curriculum.

Giraffes Can’t Dance: Music and Literacy in the Early Childhood Classroom

  • Tuesday, January 4, 4:30-5:30pm CST OR Saturday, January 8, 10:00-11:00am CST

Never Tell a Giraffe He Can’t Dance: Social-Emotional Learning with Music

  • Thursday, January 6, 4:30-5:30pm CST OR Saturday, January 8, 1:00-2:00pm CST

If you have further questions, please contact Karen Garety Folk, Curator of Education for Nerman.

The Nerman Musuem of Art on Johnson Country Community College in Overland Park, KS is accepting applications for a new volunteer docent training group to begin February 2022! these docents will welcome visitors to the museum and JCCC campus, experience the museum's world-class contemporary art collection; lead tours for preK-12 field trips, college classes, and adults from the community. Retired arts educators would be perfect! Learn more about the job and apply here.

Please note: Groups wishing to visit the museum for a teacher-led experience cannot exceed 10 people TOTAL at this time. Click here for the latest info on teacher-led tours.

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art Updates

New Art-Worthy Animations Kit Available to Educator Resource Center (ERC) Patrons

You may remember the construction of Andy Goldsworthy's Walking Wall, which snaked its way across the museum's campus a few years ago. That work inspired a hands-on studio workshop in which students used natural materials to create stop-motion videos. Now, the materials for that workshop (called Art-Worthy Animations in a hat-tip to the artist) are available for ERC patrons to check out and use in the classroom. Learn more about this new kit here.

Art of Illusion Exhibition and Teacher Guide

The museum's current photography exhibition, Art of Illusion: Photography and Perceptual Play, features works that challenge our understanding of the relationship between the camera lens and reality. Learn more about the ways photographers can play with visual perception by checking out our Teacher Guide, which can be used to explore the exhibition's contents in the galleries or online.

More Virtual Resources for Student Learning at The Nelson

For more info contact: bthomas@nelson-atkins.org

Saint Louis Art Museum Resources

Art Along the Rivers: A Bicentennial Celebration Educator Resource

Explore the remarkable artwork produced and collected over 1,000 years in the region surrounding St. Louis, MO. Access selected images, discussion questions, looking prompts, and connection activities through the Art Along the Rivers Educator Resource and Learn more about the exhibition here.

Saint Louis Art Museum's Storytelling in Art: Self-directed virtual field trips are designed to be used by teachers and students at their own pace at school or home. For more info visit the SLAM webpage for these self-directed field trips (scroll down to access) and live, interactive, virtual field trips which may be scheduled for a class of students.

The collaborative content creation team hailed from the University of Missouri—Columbia, Missouri University Science & Technology, Missouri State University, Lindenwood University, and University of Missouri—Kansas City.To learn more about the project’s objectives, click here.

Show Me Missouri Resource

With a rich and varied series of collections including Arts and Culture, Show Me Missouri tells the story of Missouri and Missourians through the lens of historically and culturally significant objects. The project is a collaboration of historians, public historians, archivists, librarians, and and graduate, under-graduate and high school students across the state.

Led by the Department of History and the Center for Midwestern Studies at the University of Missouri—Kansas City, the Springfield-Greene County Library District, and the Kansas City Public Library.

MAAE is proud to be a member of the Missouri's Bicentennial Alliance.

Missouri's bicentennial has allowed groups to offer new and expanded educational resources for learning our state's history.

  • Missouri Timeline, developed by staff of the State Historical Society of Missouri, begins with ancestral Missouri from 1250 to present-day and offers photos, artworks, maps, manuscripts, documents and other images from the Society's vast collections with narrative text accompanying each entry year.

  • Missouri Encyclopedia and Historic Missourians are a growing digital resource that expanded this year to commemorate the bicentennial.

  • Making Missouri recently announced by the Missouri Historical Society offers teachers and families historic primary sources, video content and custom plans for grades K-12.

  • Four Years to Statehood comes from Missouri Council for History Education and covers the years between Missouri's first petition to become a state and its final admission to the Union.

Flamenco - Consider participating in the upcoming Level I Flamenco Workshop Tuesday 2/15/22 through Saturday 2/19/22, 6:00-7:00pm. Registration fee is $100 for the series. Questions: call 314-338-0255 or email marisel.salascruz5@gmail.com

School Visits - Workshops and more

The St. Louis Cultural Flamenco Society School Visits - From workshops, to touring group assemblies, to guest artists in dance, music and more. Learn more here or on their website.

Join a National Research Study on Improving Acceleration Practices

The National Center for Research on Gifted Education is seeking elementary schools (at least grades 2-5) interested in expanding their use of subject-specific and whole-grade acceleration as a way to meet the needs of advanced learners. Academic acceleration is the intervention for advanced learners that has shown the greatest effect on learning and achievement.

As part of this research project, your school will receive a) professional learning around what acceleration actually is and how it can be used, b) a universal screening process to determine which students should be considered for acceleration, and c) resources and professional learning to help you implement subject-specific and whole-grade acceleration decisions for qualifying students.

For more information visit the NCRGE website and view a three-minute video overview of the study and detailed information and a timeline is available.

Help Wanted: Starlight Theatre seeks Adjudicators

Kansas City's Starlight Theatre is now accepting applications for adjudicators for their Blue Star Awards program on an ongoing basis. Learn more and apply here.

The Sewing Labs (Kansas City) is an inclusive and welcoming community teaching the legacy of sewing for employment, entrepreneurship, and enrichment. Classes are open to stitchers of all ages - including teachers who wish to expand their learning in this area. Industrial, domestic sewing machine rental and even sewing as a means to achieve literacy! Check out the offerings and view January class schedule here.

Exhibit closing soon!

ST. LOUIS SOUND An exhibit at the Missouri History Museum AUG 28, 2021 — JAN 22, 2023

“The exhibit may be called St. Louis Sound, but it’s really the sound of America,” said Andrew Wanko, public historian, and content lead on the exhibit. “Scott Joplin, Josephine Baker, Chuck Berry, Albert King, Ike and Tina Turner, Miles Davis, Clark Terry, Nelly, and more weren’t just music legends known worldwide, they were formative influences on the rest of the country’s music." For more information visit the website or flickr photo album here.

Learn more about the "Music to Me" program where students will have interactive discussions about the connection between different styles and types of music in St. Louis and community and personal identities of people living in St. Louis. Educators can sign up for this free program at mohistory.org/schools. For additional educational support, contact Maria Russell - K-12 Programs Manager.

Due to the nature of exhibit content, this exhibit is suitable for students age 12 years and older.

Reservations are open for dates July 2020 through January 2022. For groups of 10 or more, a rate of $15* per ticket. All admissions include individual audio guides for added content and convenience (in English and Spanish).

ending in January 2022

Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away

Kansas City Union Station officials recently announced unprecedented donor support to send area students (age 12 and older) to the international tour of Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away., created by Musealia and Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, opened June 14 at Kansas City's Union Station. School groups may be eligible for FREE Admission. Access to Student Field Trip details and Scholarship Requests can be found here.

For questions specifically regarding School Field Trips and Scholarships, contact Myrene Shifley at: mshifley@unionstation.org or 816-460-2093.

Thanks for reading!

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  • Additions? Corrections? New Content welcome. Email director@moaae.org.
    We typically receive submissions through the 20th of the month and publish on or near the 1st of the month.

Thanks for your interest and your support for the initiatives of MAAE.

The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education is a registered 501c3 non-profit corporation in the state of Missouri.
All donations are tax-deductible.

Please consider making a donation to MAAE

MAAE unites Missouri's arts education community so that all students can reap the benefits of a high quality arts education.

Every Child • Every School • Every Day

Your contributions help MAAE:
  • Unite Missouri's arts education community for collaborative efforts
  • Sponsor high quality professional development opportunities
  • Sponsor research in arts education best practices and benefits
  • Prepare materials to enable work in arts advocacy and education at the local and state levels
  • Protect the interests of Missouri's arts educators from potentially harmful legislation

A $25 donation can
  • feed 4-5 student performers at “Fine Arts Education Day” at the Missouri state capitol
  • help us recognize District level winners for Youth Art Month submissions

A $50 donation can
  • help sponsor a guest presenter for a MAIN event
  • help purchase art materials for SMarts student arts advocates-in-training
  • help pay postage to send one piece of correspondence to Missouri legislators

Every dollar helps MAAE continue to work to benefit your students and your arts program.
Donate via Paypal® or credit card or by checks.

If you no longer wish to receive regular updates about the MAAEs opportunities for advocacy, enrichment and growth we will happily respect your wishes. Send an email with your communication preferences to director@moaae.org.