Missouri Alliance for Arts Education

MOartsed News

The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education is a non-profit service organization which supports and promotes high quality arts education, at every level for all Missourians.
Legislative Updates

August, 2022

MAAE News Updates


Welcome back to all as many of us gear up for next academic year, or the next programming cycle! We are so pleased to help connect Missouri's arts education community. Thanks for taking a moment to check in with the work of the Alliance.

Under the guidance of MAAE's Communications Director - Rachael Wenzel (Independence), we have elected to rename our monthly publication.

The summer months have not been idle ones for the Alliance.

  • MAAE's Board Of Directors met June 11 at our first hybrid meeting since January 2020, with 8 attendees in person and a dozen in attendance via ZOOM.

  • MAAE's Executive Director paid a visit to the Missouri Fine Arts Academy and was given the grand tour by Academy Director - Dr. Stephen Spates who also serves on faculty at Missouri State University.

  • At the Missouri Bandmasters Association and Missouri Dance Organization professional learning conferences, MAAE was an exhibitor and addressed the membership.

  • Andrea Branstetter, Maggie Peeno and Cecile Galluzzo attended the Kennedy Center Arts Integration Training at the end of June.

  • July found MAAE in attendance at the Arts Integration Conference sponsored by Springfield Schools and the Springfield Regional Arts Council, as well as the Arts Integration Symposium sponsored by the Kansas /Missouri Partners in Education team (Liberty Public Schools, Kansas City Young Audiences in Missouri and Johnson County Community College and Shawnee Mission Schools in Kansas.)

  • Finally, MAAE was also an exhibitor at the Missouri Choral Directors Association Conference. In the midst of this busy conference schedule, MAAE is also busily involved in the selection process for our new arts integration director, Contest Coordinator and Awards Coordinator.

More news!

  • MAAE is seeking rural school partners interested in professional development for their teachers in learning more about integrating the arts into their instruction. The Missouri Arts Council has provided funding for MAAE to help implement the Arts Centered Education program (ACE) designed to place teaching artists in rural school settings to provide customized learning experiences, to help teachers incorporate an arts integrated approach to their teaching. Email director@moaae.org to learn more!

  • MAAE is also seeking both urban and rural partners for our RIDE committee youth development initiative we call "DEI and Delicious Dishes." If you are interested in joining MAAE on this learning journey, email director@moaae.org.

May your upcoming school year be bright and full of joy!

- Phyllis Pasley - executive director


Become an Ally

The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education uses the word “Ally” - to describe relationships with others who share our common values in support of arts education. Our voices are stronger when we are united. Please consider becoming an ally and help us fulfill our mission and vision as we continue to serve Missouri's arts educators and their students.

Want to learn more about the benefits and at each level of allyship within the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education, and the process for becoming an ally?
Click here!

Become a part of the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education!

Complete this form


March 21-22, 2023

Virtual or In-person Advocacy training

Register by March 1.

Now accepting images for the 2023 Senate Student Arts Exhibit at the Capitol! Deadline December 15, 2022

March 22, 2023

Submit videos for virtual participation by Feb. 15, 2023
apply to perform in person
by March 1, 2023

Topic Focus: Competency-Based Education and the Arts

FAME Leadership Group - Next meeting Aug. 10

Fine Arts Missouri Educators (FAME)

Many arts teachers are isolated from peers that could provide help for the unique situations they face. FAME is a free, virtual, professional learning network allowing attendees in any arts discipline to benefit from the collective wisdom of those present, and to learn about resources and opportunities which may be of interest. And, as always, MAAE stands ready to offer strategies for local arts education advocacy. Join us! register 8.10. 22

Call to Action

MAAE's Statement of Artistic Freedom

In response to recent book challenges, a team from MAAE prepared this statement in support of Artistic Freedom. Individuals or groups who support our response are invited to endorse the statement.

Follow MAAE on facebook, instagram, and twitter where we post about all things art education to help Missourians connect, celebrate, and advocate for arts education.

Arts in Education Survey

Help the Missouri Alliance for Arts education Arts Integration Research Committee gather data to help guide our research on the use of arts education in Missouri schools. We welcome all teachers (both fine arts and non-arts teachers) to answer a 10 question survey reflecting on their instructional practice. Respondents will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Help us collect important data, and you could be a winner! Please take the survey today!


I.D.E.A. network Next session - October 13, 2022 @ 4:30pm

In response to feedback for the need for people to have a safe place for conversations as they address issues connected to racism, inclusion, diversity, and equity, MAAE's RIDE committee began the I.D.E.A. Network - Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in the Arts. The next quarterly meeting of this FREE statewide roundtable discussion group via ZOOM is set for October 13, 2022 @ 4:30pm. Any arts educators interested in exploring work in diversity within their own communities are invited.
REGISTER 10/13 HERE for our next session.

TOPIC: Power structures, Exploring building student ownership, leadership, and lifting student voices.

MAAE's RIDE Committee is seeking schools from both rural and urban settings who would like to become involved in the DEI and Delicious Dishes program.

The cross-cultural youth development initiative connects students from rural and urban schools, and helps to build relationships, increase empathy and awareness of students’ common and diverse experiences, and gain deeper understanding.

The vehicle for this exploration will include elements of fine arts, literary arts and food, and the culminating project will be the publication of student selected recipes with accompanying stories and images which share the individual’s relationship with that food and its connection to their sense of identity, culture, family, and/or community.

The project includes a blend of in-person and synchronous virtual meetings. Collaborative planning, with a united team of educators working together to build a positive experience for students, with clear and timely communication leads towards a successful and satisfying experience for all involved.

If you are interested in having your students participate in the DEI and Delicious Dishes program, please email director@moaae.org.

Other work of MAAE's RIDE Committee

  • Biannual meetings with arts ed organization leadership are ongoing. The next meeting is scheduled for 9.15.22 @ 7pm.

  • Have you checked out our online resources? We continue to gather and curate entries, and welcome your feedback and ideas for sharing of resources.

  • Want to know more or join in the efforts? Email director@moaae.org.

MAEA sponsors JEDI Brunch (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.)

All arts educators are welcome and invited to attend the monthly meetings sponsored by MAEA's standing committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Typically held the first Saturday of the month, the next session is scheduled for Saturday 8/6/22 at 11am. Register here.

MAAE Arts Integration

The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education is seeking partner schools for MAAE's Arts Centered Education (ACE) program. With funding support from the Missouri Arts Council for this pilot program, MAAE is seeking three schools from rural communities who would like to engage in this professional learning journey.

Although the training each school will receive will be customized to meet the individual school's needs, trained teachings artists will lead at least one all-staff professional learning session, and work with an arts integration cohort at each school, providing support in the lesson/unit planning process, alignment with local curriculum and Missouri Learning Standards, modeling of arts integrated lessons and individualized coaching support.

Schools will gain site-specific, job-embedded professional learning for staff, gaining tools and techniques for incorporating the arts in their teaching practice, and highly customized training for a cohort of educators from the school through personalized coaching from a skilled teaching artist. MAAE makes progress in its ongoing efforts to help make student learning more holistic and engaging by involving the arts. Lessons may be enhanced by incorporating the arts, and with an arts integrated approach, teaching and learning can be transformative. Learn more about the A.C.E. Program here.

If your school may be interested in participating in MAAE's ACE program, please email director@moaae.org.

MAAE's Arts Integration Committee

We welcome new participants as our work continues to refine the tasks in the areas listed below:

1. Support and promote current work in arts integration of others

2. Promote arts integration as a beneficial instructional approach to

teaching and learning and recruit additional practitioners

3. Research attitudes and best practices to support and recruit wider proliferation of an arts-integration approach to teaching and learning.

All meetings are online. Feel free to join us. Email director@moaae.org.

MUSEUM to CLASSROOM at the Kemper
- August 29, 2022, 4pm

REGISTER 8.29.22

Join Olivia Mendelson for a close look at this collaboration between museum educators and classroom teachers to integrate the arts in a 4th grade math curriculum. We'll explore how the Art of Math program has taken different forms for remote and in-person learning to increase museum access for schools and students. We’ll learn about ways to incorporate a museum visit into your own curriculum, no matter the grade level or content area. Check out Symbols in Art & Math and Art & Scientific Method for a sneak peak of related digital content from the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum’s STE(A)M learning collection!

We’ll learn what is going on in St. Louis, Missouri with arts integration and museum education at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum.

Olivia Mendelson – Assistant Educator, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Washington University in St. Louis

Art Integration Data Driven Research Teams Sought

MAAE is seeking arts integration practitioner partner teams in both arts and non-arts subjects in the same school who want to positively impact academic achievement. With customized units or projects to meet your school's distinctive needs, teams will work with an arts integration coach to facilitate their work. Email director@moaae.org for more information.


MAAE Student Contests (annual deadline 1/31)

Submissions for the coming year are now open! Please consider including these opportunities in your future lesson plans. Participation not only supports student learning, with a chance for the prizes listed, but also aids local advocacy efforts. Please also feel free to share this information with classroom teachers, media arts, and ELA colleagues.

National Student Arts Advocate Essay Contest - for H.S. students grades 9-12

  • MAAE is seeking one exemplary student applicant to become a part of the Missouri delegation to Washington D.C. in 2024 >more info.

#BecauseOfArtsEd Video Contest

  • In 120 seconds or less tell us how the arts and arts education continue to inspire you. Open to both adults and students, let your video tell your story of the positive impact of the arts. >more info

Fine Arts Education Day Essay Contest - for students Grades 3-12

In 500 words or less, please ask your student to share how music, visual art, dance or drama (theatre) influenced you or your life as a student, or Why it is important for every school to provide instruction in the arts to every child every day. >more info

PD Planning 4 Arts Ed

MAAE has a resource list to gather content-specific PD delivered by and for arts educators. Access a list of available fine arts PD and programs on the MAAE website. Submit YOUR entries to add to this list here! Questions, email director@moaae.org.

New Teacher/Mentor Help Available

Reach out to us for resources to help new fine arts teachers thrive!
MAAE works with our arts ed partners to help connect teachers within 24 months of their initial teaching contract with an experienced mentor in their particular arts discipline to help ensure their success. Contact
director@moaae.org or complete this short survey and we'll help you connect those new teachers in need with an experienced mentor in their specific arts discipline.

2023 Senate Hall Exhibit

RECEIVING SUBMISSIONS FOR 2023- Deadline for submission December 15, 2022.

A joint effort between the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education, the Missouri Art Education Association, the Senate Hall Art Exhibit showcases fine arts programs in all 34 Senate Districts. Submissions from any of the fine arts disciplines are welcome! [Performance ensembles, Thespian troupes, this means you!] Each Missouri Senator selects one piece of art to represent their district, and the art is displayed throughout the following year. Teachers may submit up to 10 examples of student work. Submit student work using the 2022-2023 ENTRY FORM



Meetings are from 3-4:15pm
  • 9/22/22

  • 11/17/22

  • 2/9/23

  • 5/11/23

  • 8/24/23

Seeking Members of MAAE's Advisory Council for Financial Sustainability

MAAE's Advisory Council has been restructured and has a new and exciting focus! Council members attend quarterly meetings to help seek out ways to pursue funding to support MAAE services and programming. The funding sources can come from granting organizations, foundations, donors, sponsors, businesses or individual contributors. Advisory council members help expand our network of allies working to support arts education in Missouri. They may also choose to assist in the planning or implementation of fund-raising initiatives or giving campaigns to support the Alliance efforts.

Our first meeting of MAAE's Advisory Council for Financial Sustainability is scheduled for September, 22, 2022. Meetings are held virtually, with plans for a hybrid (virtual and/or in-person) meeting at least once each year. Learn more about the council here.

If you would like to become involved please complete this information form. If you know of someone who would be a good fit, email director@moaae.org with their name and contact information.

The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education is a registered 501c3 non-profit corporation in the state of Missouri.
All donations are tax-deductible.

Please consider making a donation to MAAE

MAAE unites Missouri's arts education community so that all students can reap the benefits of a high quality arts education.

Every dollar helps MAAE continue to work to benefit your students and your arts program.
Donate via Paypal® or credit card or by check.

Arts Advocacy

Kyna Iman,
MAAE's Legislative Liaison

MAAE Legislative Update

Andrea Branstetter has accepted the position of legislative watch committee chair. The committee has been joined by MMEA representative Roy Maxwell, retired band director from St. Joseph, who serves as the Mentoring Chair for the NWMMEA, the Government Relations Chair for the Missouri Music Educators Association and is the Festival Manager for the Northwest District MSHSAA Solo and Small Ensemble Festival.

As the 2022 Missouri Legislative Session came to a close in May 2022. Access MAAE's Legislative Liaison Kyna Iman's end-of-session report regarding legislation Truly Agreed and Finally Passed. We also have permalinks to this report at the top of each monthly newsletter.

If you wish to receive updates on legislative issues, please contact director@moaae.org and we'll get you on our list for updates.

For more info, find a bill summary, and/or take action to encourage your members of congress to become a co-sponsor of the bill.

Arts Education for All

This proposed federal legislation comprised much of the messaging delivered by members of the Missouri Delegation which traveled to Washington D.C. in May, 2022. The Arts Education for All Act (H.R. 5581) was introduced last October in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Reps. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) and Teresa Leger Fernández (D-NM), ardent arts and culture champions. This legislation is endorsed by The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education, Grantmakers in the Arts, National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM), Americans for the Arts, the Arts Action Fund, and nearly 300 other organizations. If your organization would like to endorse the statement, click here.

Arts Integration from our Allies

SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 AT 1 PM – 2:30 PM

"Not Another One: A Play For Peace" Performance and Discussion

St. Louis Public Library

Not Another One! A Play For Peace

Saint Louis Story Stitchers Artists Collective is a nationally recognized artists collective known for high quality art and innovative youth violence prevention programs.

Artists will perform work related to the recently published book NOT ANOTHER ONE!: A Play For Peace, that includes music, readings, and community conversation recorded and published for StitchCast Studio.

Story Stitchers will give away a book to the first 100 attendees to the August 13 presentation at Central Library.

NOT ANOTHER ONE!: A Play For Peace is a collection of stories generated to address gun violence and negative police-youth interactions by Black and BIPOC artists and 16-24 year old youth in Saint Louis, Missouri. The book is a multi-year signature project addressing gun violence through original music, youth-led discussions with adult leaders and police, related documentary videos, music, and scripts. Content has been collected and edited from 2015 to 2021 by over 100 local artists and youth.

Lean more about the project at: https://storystitchers.org/not-another-one/

Student-Centered Learning

2023 Juried Exhibition for High School Art & Design Students

The Missouri State University's Department of Art & Design, the Judith Enyeart Reynolds College of Arts and Letters, and the Board of Governors will host a virtual Juried Exhibition for secondary art students. The virtual exhibition will showcase artworks from talented students and give them an opportunity to participate in a competitive, juried summer exhibition, and provide a platform for their work to be displayed in a college venue. Please note as this is a juried show, entries are not guaranteed acceptance.

Eligibility: All currently enrolled high school students.

Submission Requirements:

• Each student may submit up to 3 works (1 detail image per piece if needed).

• Students should submit works from the previous or current school year.

• There are no fees associated with submission.

Entry Deadline: October 24, 2022 (entry portal opens October 1)

Notification of Acceptance: December 9, 2022

Virtual Summer Exhibition Opens: June 1, 2023

Arts Ed Learning from our Allies

Free book and resources to every teacher who attends.

Back-to-School Teacher Retreat

Gifted Support Network is organizing a new event this year. Our Back-to-School Teacher Retreat will offer gifted ed teachers a chance for an in-person learning opportunity before the school year begins. The event will be held on Monday, August 8 at the Community Commons at Spencer Road Library in St. Peters, MO.

The first part of the day will be composed of breakout sessions; the second part of the day will be an "unconference," with participants participating in roundtable discussions that are based on their interest and expertise.

COCA New Senior Director of Arts Programming

COCA (Center of Creative Arts) uses the power of the arts and education to build a vibrant St. Louis that is creative, connected, and inclusive. A national leader in innovative arts education, COCA provides meaningful arts experiences in our studios, gallery, and theatres, as well as in schools, community centers, and corporate settings around St. Louis.

COCA announced Orlando Graves Bolaños has been named Senior Director of Arts Programming. Graves Bolaños brings more than 20 years of international experience collaborating with artists in a wide range of residency models as well as educational programming. Graves Bolaños has served as an educator, trainer, director of education, and gallery director.

He is passionate about promoting social change as well as the management of arts programming that fosters respect for diversity and transforms young lives.

Nelson-Atkins Adult Learning - Weekend Studio Classes for Adults

Please keep an eye on the Studio Experiences web page for opportunities to register for adult studio classes this summer. These will be a great opportunity to learn some new skills or just have some fun! You can email studioworkshops@nelson-atkins.org with questions.

Missouri Arts Education Organizations Sponsor

Professional Learning Conferences

MAAE helps support exceptional professional learning opportunities sponsored by statewide arts education organizations thanks to individual and organizational contributors and funding from the Missouri Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Francis Family Foundation.

  • Missouri Bandmasters Association (MBA) - June 19-22, 2022 - learn more

  • Missouri Dance Organization (MDO) - Spring Conference - June 24-26 - learn more
    hosted by the Missouri Contemporary Ballet in Columbia, MO

  • Missouri Choral Directors Association (MCDA) - Summer Conference July 27-29 - learn more

As well as

  • Missouri Thespians Leadership Conference - Sept 9-10, 2022

  • Missouri Music Educators New Teacher Training -

  • Speech and Theatre Association of Missouri (STAM) - Sept 22-24, 2022

  • Missouri Art Educators Association (MAEA) Fall Conference - Oct 7-8, 2022

  • Missouri Thespians - Jan 5, 6, 7, 2023 (KCMO)

  • Missouri Music Educators Association (MMEA) - Jan 25-28, 2023

  • Missouri Bandmasters Association (MBA) - Jan 25-28, 2023

  • Missouri Choral Directors Association (MCDA) - Jan 25-28, 2023

  • Missouri Association of Jazz Educators (MOAJE) - Jan 25-28, 2023

  • Missouri Association of String Educators (MOASTA) - Jan 25-28, 2023

  • Missouri Art Educators Association (MAEA) - Mar 23-25, 2023

DESE Updates

At the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Blue Ribbon Commission meeting on June 17, 2022, Commission members asked DESE to facilitate opportunities for educators to provide feedback and thoughts on the Commission’s work.

Those opportunities include:

  • An online survey that will be distributed to educators during the first week of August with questions focused specifically on the work of the Commission. This will allow for a broad range of input from educators across the state. The survey will open on Monday, August 1 and close at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 5. The survey findings will be presented to the Commission during the August meeting.

  • An in-person public hearing for educators on Wednesday, August 3 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the Governor Office Building, 200 Madison Street, Jefferson City. Speakers will be chosen to speak randomly and asked to provide no more than three minutes of remarks in response to a specific prompt focused on the work of the Commission. The hearing will be live-streamed and recorded at https://livestream.com/modese/blueribbonhearing for anyone to watch.

DESE Ongoing initiatives

  • Pioneer in Education Award - Nominations Open

For nearly 50 years, the State Board of Education and the DESE have selected individuals to be honored as Pioneers in Education, in recognition of their distinguished careers and contributions to public education. Nominations received by February 28 will be considered for recognition in 2022. Nomination form here.

  • Esser Fund Support resources available on the MAAE website. The tools there can help you communicate with decision makers.

  • Access reports from the State Board of Education Meetings via the MAAE website. [under Home/Arts Ed in MO] Email director@moaae.org if you'd like to be added to the email list and receive these reports directly to your inbox.

Missouri Arts Council Updates

Applications are always open for artists living in Missouri. Artists are paid a stipend in cooperation with Mid-America Arts Alliance.Experience the current featured artists on MAC's website here and scroll down to meet previously featured artists of the month.

June Featured Artist Series

The Missouri Arts Council features Missouri Artists on their website each month. Congratulations to all of the May featured artists listed below.

ALICIA FARRIS- painter of life, workshop instructor | Springfield

KIRK DECKER- photographer | Lawson

KENDALL HART- sculptor, illustrator | Farmington

KIM BOULDIN-JONES- mixed media artist and photographer | St. Charles

Job Postings

Ferguson-Florissant School District s looking to hire multiple fine arts teachers for the 2022-2023 school year. Here is the link to apply.

in case you missed it...

Fox Performing Arts Charitable Foundation seeks new Executive Director

The Fox Performing Arts Charitable Foundation offers a unique opportunity for a dynamic, creative, and self-motivated individual who is passionate about the performing arts in the St. Louis area. The Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors and heads an office of two full-time individuals who work together to fulfill and deliver the Foundation’s vision and mission and implement, and refine the performing arts programming. The search is coordinated by The ROME group. Learn more here.


Here is a list of fine arts related jobs.

News, Resources, and PD from our Allies

Marty receiving MAAE "Creativity and Innovation in Teaching" award.

Congratulations to Marty Strohmeyer (Visitation Academy Troupe 7280, St. Louis, MO)! Marty was an award winner for MO-Thespians, EdTA and MAAE with our "Creativity and Innovation in Teaching" award for 2022. He was recently awarded the Inspirational Theatre Educator honor at the national level through the Educational Theatre Association.

The Missouri Alliance for arts education encourages participation in statewide arts organizations. Educational professionals are encouraged to join these organizations. Participation in such organizations will strengthen advocacy efforts for fine arts education and ensure that students throughout the state have access to quality forms of expression.

in case you missed it


Give your music students the opportunity to see and hear the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra with free access to digital on-demand concerts streamed directly to your classroom. Let the SLSO enhance your curriculum and engage your students in the learning process with these free, on-demand digital programs. Each program includes accompanying teacher guides that align with state and national learning standards.


in case you missed it

Opera Theatre of St. Louis

-FREE Digital Lessons for Classroom use

OTSL’s interactive lesson series spotlights groundbreaking past and present Black opera singers who blazed the trail both in opera and in American history. >learn more

Introduce your students to the fun and joy of opera with the ultimate digital classroom experience! Register your class for access to a FREE abridged, student-friendly performance of The Barber of Seville. >learn more

Meet our MAAE Support Team

These people provide valuable services to assist with specific initiatives to enact MAAE's mission and vision.

Phyllis PasleyExecutive Directordirector@moaae.org
Kyna ImanLegislative Liaisonkynaiman@earthlink.net
Rachael WenzelCommunications Director communicationsdirector@moaae.org
Jeff SandquistFine Arts Education Day Coordinator
Andrea BranstetterSHOW-ME Arts Coordinator and Legislative Watch Committee Chair
Vicki Bean
Senate Arts Exhibit

Thanks for reading!

  • Register to receive email updates, customize your email preferences, by completing this form.

  • Additions? Corrections? New Content welcome. Email director@moaae.org.
    We typically receive submissions through the 20th of the month and publish on or near the 1st of the month.

Thanks for your interest and your support for the initiatives of MAAE.

If you no longer wish to receive regular updates about the MAAEs opportunities for advocacy, enrichment and growth we will happily respect your wishes. Send an email with your communication preferences to director@moaae.org.

Help us tell your story! Have some news you'd like others to know?

Please send your story ideas to communicationsdirector@moaae.org by the 20th of the month, for publication in the subsequent issue.