Advanced Placement Art & Design


Prerequisites:  One of the following: Printmaking, Drawing and Painting, Photography or Computer Graphics.  

Credit: Art

Description:  Advanced Placement Art and Design is a course for seniors who are serious art students. It is for those who may be interested in being an art major in college, or may be interested in a career in art. Portfolios will be sent in May of the senior year for evaluation by the College Board. Students who are successful in the AP review may be able to earn college credit or advanced standing.  It is a rigorous course that encourages students to achieve at high levels. Each student is challenged to think for themselves, to develop a personal style and to search for original, inventive answers to problems set out by the teacher and by the individual student. The ability to analyze a problem and solve it with original ideas drawn from personal experience (artistic, academic and life) is stressed. Students create works that incorporate past art experiences with new ones. Technique, skill, media, visual elements and ideas are integrated into each work the student creates. Summer assignments are required. Students interested in AP Art should take Portfolio Development or Advanced Drawing and Painting first.  For information regarding AP exam dates and fees, please visit the College Board website at

    Prerequisites: Drawing and Painting

    This portfolio is intended to address a broad range of drawing issues and media. Drawing, painting, printmaking and mixed media can be  used in this portfolio. Students will work with light and shade, rendering form, composition, surface manipulation and illusion of depth. The  use of pencil, ink, charcoal, conte, pastel, oil pastel, gouache, watercolor and acrylic are examples of media that will be explored.

    Prerequisites: Studio Art and 1 year elective

    This portfolio is intended to address a broad interpretation of two-dimensional design issues. Students will use the elements of art (line, 

                         form, space, color, texture, shape) and the principles of design (unity, balance, emphasis, rhythm, and proportion/scale) to communicate 

                         content. Works students create could include graphic design, typography, photography, collage, textile design, illustration, painting and printmaking.

    Prerequisites: One of the following: Printmaking, Drawing and Painting, Photography or Computer Graphics.

    This portfolio is intended to address a broad range of sculptural issues in depth, form and space. Students will create 3-dimensional 

                         works that are representational, abstract and expressionist. These sculptures or three-dimensional works will deal with mass, volume form, plane, light and texture. There will be additive, subtractive and fabricated processes covered.