Creative Writing (Spring)

Seniors have the option of taking two one semester, 1/2 credit courses or one full year course.  If students opt for the semester course option, they are required to complete English 12 Lit Themes in the fall semester, as well as a Senior English Elective in the spring semester.  The 1/2 credit Senior English Electives are:  Creative Writing, Journalism and Writing through Film.  The full year course options are: English 12 (WISE), College English Composition, and AP Literature and Composition. 


Prerequisite:  Eng 12 Literary Themes or enrollment in a full-year grade 12 English course. 

Credit: English

Description: This class is designed to introduce students to different types of creative writing.  Student portfolios will include prose, plays, poems and short stories.  Students will also be required to read and report on a book about the writer's craft of an established author.