English 10


Prerequisite: English 9

Credit: English

Description: This course is designed to focus on the theme of The Rite of Passage:  Journey to Adulthood. Students are required to read the following plays and novels:  Julius Caesar, A Raisin in the Sun, Twelve Angry Men, Montana 1948 and Old Man and the Sea. In addition, students will read Night and complete a unit on the Holocaust. A minimum of six short stories will be examined for setting, characterization, plot, imagery, and theme.   Various poems will also be studied; students will focus on figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and other poetic techniques. Vocabulary from both the literature and the vocabulary workbook will be studied.  Independent reading will also be assigned during the school year.  Compositions will stress the format required for the Regents exam. Students will use the MLA style of documentation and complete research reports.  The research reports and literature projects will culminate in oral presentations. 

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Prerequisite:  Teacher Recommendation 

Credit: English

Description: Tenth grade Advanced English refines the skills of those students who, as ninth graders, have demonstrated a high degree of proficiency and interest in this subject area.  This course is designed for students to develop greater sophistication in critical reading and writing for literary analysis.   Students will recognize themes that show the development of the social conscience through literature. A variety of novels, short stories and poetry will be studied for various literary elements, such as characterization, theme, and figurative language.  Students will broaden their writing and speaking vocabulary through research reports, oral presentations, speeches, play reading, and lively class discussions.  Students will be expected to complete outside reading assignments and analyze the literature for theme and other literary elements.  In addition, students will master the MLA style of documentation and write an analytical research paper after reading two poems with similar themes and literary criticism on poems and/or poets. Students who have earned a grade of at least 85 in English 9 Honors or 90 in English 9 Regents have shown the most consistent success in this course.