Cultivating a Positive and Inclusive Classroom Community
C1.1 Cultivating a Positive and Inclusive Classroom Community
Teachers create a learning environment that fosters a sense of belonging for every student, regardless of background or circumstance, and demonstrate belief that all students can and will learn.
The teacher maintains a caring and encouraging presence to engage all students in the classroom community.
The teacher demonstrates the belief that all students can and will learn by calling on a variety of students throughout the classroom, and gives appropriate wait time for all students to have an opportunity to share their thinking.
The classroom environment is conducive to collaborative work.
The teacher maintains a caring and encouraging presence to engage all students in the classroom community.
The teacher provides adequate wait time for individual processing and demonstrates the belief that all students can and will learn by calling on a variety of students (e.g., monitors who has shared, uses an equity-driven approach to ensure all students have an opportunity to share with the class over time).
The classroom environment is conducive to collaborative work.
The teacher communicates expectations that all students participate in the classroom community.
The teacher provides adequate wait time for individual processing and may experiment with strategies to elicit more contributions from students (e.g., use of Turn and Talk, randomizing students called on).
The classroom environment is conducive to collaborative work (e.g., students desks are arranged in groups, the location of the teacher throughout the lesson positions students as active contributors).
The teacher provides opportunities for students to participate, but may not have strategies to elicit contributions from all students (e.g., lack of wait time, only selecting eager volunteers).
The classroom environment is set up for individual work (e.g., student desks are in rows, the teacher spends most of the time located at the front of the room).
⬜ Indicator not observed
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