Section C:
Classroom Implementation


Change in teaching practices and student learning outcomes is the ultimate way to measure the impact of implementation. Illustrative Mathematics’ approach to problem-based learning may require a substantial shift in the daily habits and practices of teachers, which means the implementation journey may take time. With the right school conditions, thoughtful and effective leadership, and dedicated, high-quality professional learning, consistent movement through the progressions of practice should be evident in two to three years.

Section C contains three strands:

Administration Methods

The school leadership team should prioritize using this tool for classroom observation or teacher self-assessment. When using the tool for observation, the observers (principal, coach, or peer teacher) should read the IM lesson prior to the observation and reference the teacher materials throughout the lesson. 

This tool is most effective when used to observe and reflect on an entire lesson. If using the tool to observe a partial lesson, select a few indicators that align to the portion of the observed lesson. 

When using the tool to self-assess, teachers may select a few indicators to focus on in alignment with their professional learning goals, or more broadly use the tool to track trends in their instruction over time.

Progression of Practice: C1 and C2

The IRT was not designed to evaluate individual schools or teachers, or with the assumption of an “ideal”  minimum threshold for all users of IM Certified Math. Indicators demonstrate a progression of actions aligned to an implementation journey. Progress occurs at different rates across various indicators, based on the context of each school or district.

Each section includes an introduction, progression of practice, and reflection questions. The Implementing column is highlighted in purple to indicate classroom practices that will support strong implementation of the curriculum. The Integrating column provides considerations for instructional growth when an educator is already demonstrating practices in the Implementing column.

Integrating   The teacher effectively uses the approach or resource in full alignment with the intended design.

Implementing   The teacher uses the approach or resource in alignment with the intended design, and has begun to form habits  around key practices.

Progressing   The teacher has begun to use the approach or resource, but has yet to use it in alignment with the intended design.

Emerging   The teacher demonstrates an awareness of the approach or resource, or is exploring how to use it.

Indicator not observed   No evidence of the indicator was observed.

When there are multiple descriptors within a single indicator, the teacher should demonstrate evidence of all descriptors before advancing to the next level on the Progression of Practice, even if they demonstrate some of the practices in the next level. Bold font used in the descriptors identifies key changes in the progression of practice, moving from emerging to integrating. 

Select the links below to explore each indicator in C1 and C2.

Progression of Practice: C3

The IRT was not designed to evaluate individual schools or teachers, or with the assumption of an “ideal”  minimum threshold for all users of IM Certified Math. Indicators demonstrate a progression of actions aligned to an implementation journey. Progress occurs at different rates across various indicators, based on the context of each school or district.

Each section includes an introduction, progression of practice, and questions for reflection by indicator. The Belonging column is highlighted in purple to indicate the goal for implementation of the curriculum.

Belonging   Students demonstrate evidence of belonging to the learning community. Students take an active role in collaboration, discussion, and reflection.

Interacting   Students are active participants in the learning, and interact with other students in the learning community, with minimal prompting.

Reacting   Students react to the teacher’s prompts and other students in the learning community. Teaching is done to the students, instead of students fully contributing to their learning.

Receiving   Students receive information, but engagement in the learning community is limited. Students must be prompted by the teacher to participate in the lesson, and make minimal or surface-level contributions.

Indicator not observed   No evidence of the indicator was observed.

When there are multiple descriptors within a single indicator, students should demonstrate evidence of all descriptors before advancing to the next level on the Progression of Practice, even if they demonstrate some of the practices in the next level. Bold font used in the descriptors identifies key changes in the progression of practice, moving from receiving to belonging. 

Select the links below to explore each indicator in C3.

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