The IMplementation Reflection Tool

Version 4.0 | Grades K–12


Reflecting on curriculum implementation is the key catalyst for effective classroom use and positive student outcomes. Intentional reflection guarantees teams have dedicated time to plan for, monitor, and analyze the integrity and impact of implementation over time, identifying challenges and successes along the way. The IMplementation Reflection Tool (IRT) supports schools as they implement IM Certified® Math in their classrooms by providing guidance about what evidence may be collected and reflection questions by which to measure and discuss those indicators. Using evidence to monitor implementation progress allows instructional leaders and teachers the opportunity to understand specific actions that propel classrooms toward equitable and responsive implementation of IM Certified Math so that all children can know, use, and enjoy mathematics.

The design of this implementation tool allows for a variety of uses and offers schools the flexibility to focus on the indicators most aligned to their instructional priorities, create a plan to collect data, and report on those indicators accordingly. Selected indicators might change over time, based on feedback and implementation data; the IRT is intended to be an adaptable and ongoing tool for schools to use throughout their implementation journey.

Select this link to see how version 4.0 of the IMplementation Reflection Tool has changed.

IRT Spotlight.mp4

Spotlight on the IRT

Watch an overview to understand how leadership and intentional planning with the IRT will sustain your IM Certified Math implementation over time. Preview the purpose of each section and learn the structure of the tool to consider how you can use the IRT to foster meaningful, reflective implementation in your school.

How to use this tool

Use the implementation progressions outlined in each section to assess your implementation of IM Certified Math and identify goals for improvement by completing the following process:

Select a section of the IRT below to explore the indicators that lead to successful implementation of IM curriculum over time.

Looking for a previous version of the IRT? Access the IRT Crosswalk with prior versions here.


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