Student Feedback
B3.5 Student Feedback
Teachers plan to give timely feedback that helps students understand misconceptions and builds conceptual knowledge. Teachers plan opportunities for students to reflect, revise, and understand their content mastery over time.
Teachers plan to give timely feedback on student thinking that helps students understand their errors in a way that builds students’ conceptual knowledge.
Teachers plan opportunities for student reflection and revision, and create structures to gather evidence of student mastery over time.
Teachers plan to give feedback on student thinking that helps students identify their errors, but may not build students’ conceptual understanding
Teachers plan to provide opportunities for student reflection or revision.
Teachers plan to give feedback in the form of final scores with limited commentary on student thinking.
Teachers may not plan opportunities for student reflection or revision.
How often do students receive feedback on their mathematical thinking?
How do you ensure feedback is accessible to all learners?
What structures are in place for students to understand their feedback and track their learning progress over time?
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