Supplemental Materials
B3.4 Supplemental Materials
Teachers only plan to supplement lessons after the learning cycle if students require extra time, additional practice, or lack prerequisite skills.
Teachers appropriately judge the level of mastery required to meet the learning goal, only planning to supplement after the learning cycle if students require extra time or practice, or teachers need to make adjustments based on local standards.
Teachers may misinterpret the level of mastery required to meet the learning goal, and plan to supplement the lesson mid-learning cycle with direct instruction or worksheets that conflict with lesson goals.
Teachers plan to pre-teach solution paths and provide information or algorithms before students have a chance to explore concepts.
Teachers supplement the lesson plan with direct instruction or worksheets that conflict with lesson goals.
What changes have you made to the IM lesson design, and why?
How frequently do you supplement the curriculum?
How do you decide when to supplement, and what materials do you select?
How do you use your knowledge of what comes later in the course to decide when to supplement a topic?
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