Changing slicing settings In 3DPrinterOS

A Slicer is what tells the printer how to print your project. There are many different settings that will affect anything from surface finish to print time. For the most part, you can use the default settings that come with the printer profiles on 3DPrinterOS, but on this page, you will learn what the different settings do and how to change them.

Your slicing window should look like this

Layer Height

We can, however, change the layer height if desired. Using a smaller layer height will make the part look nicer but take longer to print. Typically we keep it at 0.2 to save time unless it is necessary for it to look smoother. Increasing it to 0.3 will decrease print time even more. 

Wall Thickness

You can also change the wall thickness. Thicker walls will strengthen the part but will take longer to print. 

Infill Density

Typically we don’t want to print solid parts because it takes longer as it uses a lot of material. The infill density option allows us to control how much material is inside the part. Parts are pretty strong with not much infill so we recommend keeping it at around 10-15% if you don’t need a super strong part. Infill above 50% is not shown to make any significant difference in strength.

Temperature Settings

Do not change the temperature settings! they are set for this type of material. If you feel that these settings should be changed, please talk to a staff member. 

Build Plate Adhesion Type

Another setting is the build plate adhesion type. Sometimes it can be difficult for the part to adhere to the build plate. This is especially true for tall, thin parts that do not have much surface area on the build plate. A brim will usually help with adhesion but you will have to remove it after and can affect the aesthetic of the bottom layer.


The last setting that you may want to use is the Generate Support option. This type of printing cannot print with no material below it so if your part has more than around a 45deg overhang, supports must be used.

Once you have the slicing settings to your liking, click Slice & Toolpath Peview

Now you *almost* are ready to print! Check out the First Print page to learn how to start a print.