Tormach 770mx CNC Mill


Although this machine has an enclosure, the powerful motors present risks not present on the mill/drill. 

Emergency Stop Button


How do i get access to the tormach?

You must pass the metalworking safety quiz on canvas before you can use the mill/drill. All projects must be approved by a staff member before use.

Material Costs

Always refer to the Material Store page for the most updated pricing.

How does it work?

The Tormach 770MX is a CNC mill which is a machine you are very likely to find in large scale manufacturing processes. This piece of equipment is very similar to the MDX-50 and the Jet Mill/Drill that we have in the lab. Like the Mill/Drill it can mill and drill metal with the same tools, however x/y/z axes are automated by motors and the tools are changed automatically like the MDX-50. The Tormach, however, surpasses the Mill/Drill and MDX-50 in terms of speed, power, and precision. 

CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control meaning that the Tormach reads gcode to tell it where to move and how fast to cut. Unlike other fabrication equipment that uses software to automatically generate gcode from a model, many CNC machinists will learn how to write gcode manually before learning complex software to create the gcode. 

More Resources

Learn the many steps needed for setup, operation, and cleanup of the tormach.

Use Fusion 360 CAM to make a wrench shaped business card holder.