Basic Embroidery

Here's a video tutorial on using the embroidery machine that complements the instructions below.

Selecting a design

Step 1

Turn the power on by toggling the black switch on the lower back of the right-hand side of the machine. Note: This side is also where the USB storage port is located (for imported projects).

Step 2

Touch the embroidery button on the screen.

Step 3

Touch the style category image of the design you would like to create.

Step 4

Once you have selected the design you wish to embroider, the top line of information displays the size, number of stitches, total time, and number of threads in the design.

Step 5

The bottom shows the various threads you will need. Note: it is ok to use any color you wish in place of the suggested color shown. Touch "set" to advance to the next screen.

Step 6

Touch "Embroidery" on the bottom right.

Preparing to embroider

Step 1

Grab the ring that will support your design. Shown is the outer ring that supports up to a 4" x 4" design, which we will use for this tutorial.

Step 2

Place a sheet of stabilizer over the ring. It should overlap the sides of the ring.

Step 3

Place the fabric over the stabilizer. once again, it should overlap the sides of the ring.

Step 4

Place the top/inner ring over the fabric and push down. If it is too hard to push down, try looseing the screw by twisting it towards you.

Step 5

Once the ring is completely pushed down, tighten the screw by twisting it away from you as tightly as possible.

Step 6

Slide the prepared ring into the slot on the carriage. Make sure the lever is up.

Step 7

Once the ring is snapped into place, pull the lever towards you to lock it into place.

Step 8

Look at the design screen and gather the threads you will need. Note: you may swap out any colors for ones you prefer - no need to update those into the machine. For example, if you would like a darker green than shown on the top, just insert it instead of the lighter green shown.

Step 9

Arrange the threads in the order they will be loaded to assist in minimizing mistakes. Make sure every thread is enclosed within a tension net with the loose end protruding from the tops, as shown.

Threading the machine

Step 1

Load the first thread onto the spindle as shown.

Step 2

Follow the threading guide by pulling the loose end through each guide number in order. Guides 1-2 just wrap around the top section as shown.

Step 3

Pull the thread down through the groove after rounding the corner at guide 2.

Step 4

Wrap the thread around the bottom of guide 3. Follow the arrow and pull the thread up through the groove towards guide 4.

Step 5

Wrap the thread around guide 4, following the groove, and make sure the thread catches the silver hook inside of the groove as shown.

Step 6

Follow the arrow and groove down guide 5 and hook into the top of the needle assembly at guide 6 from right to left (bottom right of the photo). Then, pull the thread across to guide 7, making sure the thread catches the right hook, and then locking the thread into the groove above 7 by pulling the thread towards the back of the maching.

Step 7

Pull the thread up into the cutting notch on the left side and pull it towards you to cut the thread, as shown.

Step 8

Press the automatic threading button on the front of the machine. Note: Quite often, the machine will "miss" the needle hole. If that happens, just repeat the process through guide 7 (steps 21 and 22 of this tutorial). 

Step 9

Once the thread is through the needle hole, pull the end out away from you. About 1-2" of length is perfectly fine. Be mindful of the needle - it is sharp, and you can easily prick your finger!

the Embroidery Process

Step 1

Lower the foot by pressing the foot button on the front of the machine.

Step 2

Once everything is in place, the arrow button above the sewing area should turn green. Press this button to start the embroidery. IMPORTANT: Keep your fingers and hands clear from the moving carriage and needle assembly, as it will NOT stop and can cause injury!

Step 3

After the first few stitches are complete, it is helpful to trim the excess thread tail from the first stitch, if one exists. Just pause the embroidery by pressing the arrow button, trim the thread, then press the button again to resume.

Step 4

It is normal for the machine to create a layer of spaced stitching as its first layer, prior to filling it in. Not all designs do this, but most do.

Step 5

The cross hair on the screen will show which section is currently being stitched.

Step 6

Other information includes the number of stitches, minutes, and threads currently working over the total numbers of those required in the design. This is helpful to know how many thread changes are left, as well as required time.

Step 7

The machine will stop and sound a chime once the current color is complete and the thread needs to be changed to the next color.

Step 8

Remove the current spool of thread by pulling it off the spindle, towards you. To avoid tangles, please trim the tail to about 1" from the top of the net before putting it away.

Step 9

The next thread will now be at the top of the list shown on the screen. Repeat the "Threading the Machine" section of this tutorial to thread the new color.

Step 10

Repeat Steps 16-33 of this tutorial until the design is finished and the screen displays the message shown below.

Removing the Finished Design

Step 1

Raise the foot by pressing the foot button on the front of the machine.

Step 2

Raise the lever on the carriage to release the ring and slide the ring towards you.

Step 3

Loosen the ring by twisting the screw towards you.

Step 4

Lift the top ring off and remove the finished design.

Step 5

Pull the stabilizer off the back of the design. 


 You have completed your first computerized embroidery!