First print

This guide walks through coloring a die with a rose inside however if you want to customize your die with Fusion 360 to have a different part inside, please follow this guide.

1. Slicing and Starting a Print

Download and open GrabCAD Print

Begin by selecting the J850 Prime template from the menu on the bottom right

You can even Favorite it for convenient use

Next click File > Preferences

Change the Support policy for Glossy surface finish to Smart and check the box to Enable color correction in thin model areas. Then click Save.

Next click File > Add STLs as Assembly

Navigate to the folder with your STLs and select all of them to open. You can find the files for this dice here.

Your model should have imported like this:

From here we can go through the menu options on the right

  • If the Analysis Mode dashed box is red, then there is an error with the model and you should select it then select Repair All Models

The Model Info tab will give you to option to change your model units

  • If your model comes in too small or too big this is probably where you should modify so that it is the correct size

The Tray Settings tab will give you the ability to choose the materials in the printer

Click the Change button to select which tray and support materials are currently in the printer

If you are on a version of GrabCAD that is connected to the printer, you can select Get printer’s loaded materials, otherwise verify which materials are in the printer and manually move them over to the right

Now in the Model Settings tab, we can assign colors to all of our different bodies

You can select the body from the menu on the left

From there you have several different options to select a color for that body

  • Color Picker will be the easiest unless you have very precise color requirements

  • Note that it is more accurate to color using the CMYK input or PANTONE

Starting with the large model, pick a color you like. I wanted a clear model so under Tray materials I chose the VeroUltraClear

With the rose, I used the color picker to choose red

You can also change the opacity by moving the bar under the rainbow color bar (though I wouldn’t recommend it for the rose)

  • Because the printer cannot do everything, it will give you a best estimate color when comparing selected to actual

  • For better accuracy you can use the CMYK or PANTONE options

The color picker will also give you an option for the surface finish to be matte or glossy (I recommend glossy)

  • The matte finish is created anywhere there is support material

  • This printer cannot do any overhang so there will almost always be support material. Additionally, there is a raft of support material on the bottom face so that will never be glossy.

  • It is typical to choose matte so everything will have the same surface finish

  • You can preview which surfaces will have supports by selecting the Preview Supported Surfaces button at the top of the screen

Additionally you can select multiple bodies to color them at the same time

Finish selecting all of your colors

In the Arrange tab, you have the option to optimize location and orientation of your parts for the fastest print, however it may add extra supports.

  • Select the Arrange this Tray button

In general, shorter parts print faster and parts closer to the back left corner print faster

  • If possible, keep your prints between the lines as they show the different passes the print head takes

i.e. you would not want this (if you can help it)

You can use the Orient tab to rotate your model

The Position tab can be used to accurately locate your part

The Scale tab allows you to scale the models

You are also welcome to add Manufacturing Notes to your print job if you like, this is useful if you are sending the file to someone else and you want to add some information about post processing

Change the name of your tray to something recognizable by everyone, preferably with your name

At this point you are ready to slice your model, but now you must be on a computer that is connected to the printer. Save your GrabCAD Print file, open it on that computer and select our J850 printer and click Print

It will estimate the time and material consumption of your print

You can calculate the cost of your print here, as this machine has more expensive material than most other printers

  • Plug in the grams used of each material into the highlighted spots

  • We can see that this will cost us about $3.92 which is understandable because the part is so small

If the print has been approved by a staff member, you can click Send

The print will not immediately start, but it will require you to go and start it on the machine

Before starting the print, ALWAYS CHECK THE PRINT BED IS CLEAR because this machine does not have any system to check if you have removed a print

Once verifying that there is nothing on the print bed, close the door and click the red button on the screen to start the print

  • You will hear a click and the print heads will start heating up. Once they are done they will start printing and you can look through the window and see the process.

2. Removing and Post Processing a Print

After about an hour, the print will finish.

To remove the print, open the door to the material cabinet (right of the machine) to get the large spatula with a black handle

Use the spatula to gently scrape the part off the build tray

  • If a little of the bottom of the part scrapes off a bit, don’t worry because it is just support material

Next make sure to clean off the build tray. Get a paper towel and put a little water on it then wipe the area where your print was. Remember to use water not isopropyl alcohol!

If there is still some material on the build tray, typically the outline of larger parts, grab the blue handle scraper from the material cabinet door and scrape off the edge. Wipe the tray again with a towel.

Wipe the scraper and spatula before returning them to the material cabinet door.

You can remove the supports with a smaller spatula, don’t forget to get in the dots as well with a smaller plastic tool

  • Once you get most of the supports off the part you can rinse it off in the sink

  • Note that the bottom surface will always be matte and can be sanded to look better

Don’t forget to clean up and wipe down any surface that has support material, it is very messy!

If you chose to print it matte, then your print will be fully encased in supports. It will not look as pretty once the supports come off but it can be sanded for a better finish.