Shaper Origin Handheld Router 



How does it work? 

Shaper Origin uses special patterned tape and a camera to know it's location on the workpiece and guide you along the path of your cut. It uses precision motors to continuously fine-tune the spindle's position along your intended cutting path. If you get too far off track origin will automatically retract the bit to in order to minimize distortion within your design. 

Material Costs

Always refer to the Material Store page for the most updated pricing.

Designing For Shaper

When designing for Shaper Origin it will translate the color, stroke, and fill of vector paths in Adobe Illustrator into different cut paths. 

Download the Adobe Illustrator template when designing and follow instructions on how to use. 

Click above to download Shaper template

Cut Paths

Depending on the color, stroke, and fill options you choose determines your cut within shaper. 

For example: A filled in grey shape will create a pocket cut. Reference chart to the left to see what cut looks like.

For more information on design guidelines and tips check out 

Shaper origin design help 

More Resources

Follow this guide to learn the basics of the Shaper Origin

Learn the basics of file prep for the Shaper Origin

Find many resources on how to get started with the Shaper Origin.

Additional Resources

Shaper Hub - Design Files and projects for Shaper Origin 
