Exploded product diagram

I wish I could draw, I really do. But I cannot. 

So, if you are like me, you will be thankful that you dont have to. The point of the exercise is to show how the product goes together. You can take photo's and photoshop them together, it all depends on how you want to do it. The point is that someone should be able to glance at the image and understand what it is and how it was put together. 

One thing we are looking for though, whether you hand draw these images or photo shop them is annotations. Tell me what each component is, what is it made of, how you think it was put together. Also remember that you should include the packaging, ties, whatever is in the whole item. 

Below is some help on how to use photoshop, its the same video that is on the other page

Photoshop exploded diagram.mp4