Learning to code

Most people express an interest in Computer Science because they want to learn to code. I will reiterate again that whilst that is an admirable sentiment, it has to be matched with the ability to apply the code, to problem solve. 

But, where do I learn to code? There are literally hundreds of paid and free resources that will claim to teach you how to code.  Below is a list of resources that you can explore. If you spot a dead link, please do feel free to email me. Also, if you spot something new that you think others should be aware of, please feel free to message me and I will update the list.

If you feel confident - try and join the school league on HackerRank

BISHCMC - https://www.hackerrank.com/bis-hcmc 

Where to start? (might also be referenced elsewhere)


A wide range of activities

www.idea.org.uk (please register using school details as this is sometimes used in class)

Learning from Microsoft

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/training/student-hub/ - Student Hub overview

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/training/educator-center/instructor-materials/hacking-stem - Making stuff

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/education/blog/2024/04/smart-learning-ai-resources-every-educator-should-know/ - Seeing as most students know more tech than their teachers anyway ;)

Programming Resources

Teaches lots of languages

- www.w3schools.com (the absolute go to, especially for HTML and CSS)

- https://amazon.turinglab.co.uk/ (new in June 2023)

 - https://replit.com/learn/100-days-of-python/hub (is currently free, students should sign in with their school accounts)

- https://exercism.io

- www.codecademy.com

- www.codecombat.com

- https://edabit.com/challenges

- https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn

- https://code.org/learn (from early school to 6th form, choose your language)

- https://www.codingame.com/start

- https://codehs.com/  (The rules on this one seem to change a lot, you may have to ask me to set you up on this one)

- https://www.datacamp.com (No personal experience of this one, but comes recommended by others)

- https://www.hackerrank.com/ - Preparation for your future? Build a portfolio? Just get a head start in GCSE CS or IGCSE CS? 

AI and Machine learning

- https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com

AI Courses  supplied by Google
- https://cloud.google.com/learn/training/machinelearning-ai
- https://ai.google/build
- https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/paths
- https://www.coursera.org/google-learn/ai-essentials/ ($49)

Thinking about programming

Bebras - https://www.bebras.uk/index.php?action=user_competitions 

Oxford University Computing Challenge - https://www.bebras.uk/index.php?action=content&id=42

Perse programming challenge - https://pctc.perse.co.uk/ 

How it all fits together (UK focused) - https://ukctchallenges.org/ 


- https://www.uberglobalhackathon.org/

- https://imaginecup.microsoft.com/en-us/junior (might need me to register through the school)


- learn.onlinegdb.com

E safety

- https://www.commonsensemedia.org/parents-ultimate-guides

Game Design

https://scratch.mit.edu - The go to in school.


- https://play.inaf.it/en/gravitational-scale-arduino/ - Arduino project

- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/ (Microsoft platform)


 - https://www.jetbrains.com

- www.repl.it


- https://horstmann.com/codecheck/problems.html





https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/makecode?rtc=1 (Makecode is microbit, arcade games, Minecraft and many many more things).


https://education.minecraft.net - Doesn't really need any explanation

Massive Open Online Course


Python exclusively

- http://www.practicepython.org

- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4UDvc4QDbFrPexszpggPsg

- https://snakify.org/en/

- https://www.pythonsponge.com/

Swift Playgrounds (Exclusively for Mac)



Graphics and modelling

Fusion 360: - https://help.autodesk.com/view/fusion360/ENU/courses/ 

Inkscape (similiar to Adobe Acrobat) - https://inkscape.org/learn/tutorials/ 

Canva - www.canva.com as part of school you get access to Canva pro - sign up with your school @bisvietnam.com details