Paper 1 Section A Question C Rubric

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1 – 2 Marks

There is unlikely to be any appropriate terminology used.

There is the identification of an impact of the digital system on at least one stakeholder. 

No references are made to other scenarios

There is no evidence of an analysis or an evaluation.

There is no structure in the response. It may be a list.

The response shows limited understanding of the demands of the question. 

There is limited relevant knowledge. The response is descriptive and consists mostly of unsupported generalizations. 

The response has limited organization or is only a list of items. 

Possible characteristics are Ineffective, listing, unstructured

3 – 4 Marks:

Identifies and/or defines appropriate terminology.

There is a partial analysis of the impact(s) of the digital system on stakeholders. 

References may be made to similar cases/scenarios.

It is unlikely that there is an evaluation.

Limited evidence of structure. For example, there may be an introduction OR a conclusion.

The response shows some understanding of the demands of the question. 

Some relevant knowledge is demonstrated, but this is not always accurate and may not be used appropriately or effectively. 

The response moves beyond description to include some analysis, but this is not always sustained or effective. 

The response is partially organized. 

Possible characteristics are: Superficial, descriptive

5 – 6 Marks.

Identifies and/or defines appropriate terminology.

There is a partial or unbalanced analysis of the impacts and implications of the digital system on the stakeholders.

References may be made to similar cases/scenarios.

The evaluation tends to restate the analysis.

There are implicit references to the 3Cs.

Some evidence of structure. For example, there may be an introduction, some analysis and an attempt at a conclusion.

The response shows adequate understanding of the demands of the question. 

Response demonstrates adequate and effective analysis supported with relevant and accurate knowledge. 

The response is adequately organized. 

Possible characteristics are: Relevant, analytical, organised

7 – 8 Marks 

Terminology relating to the question is used appropriately.

There is a balanced analysis of the impacts and implications of the digital system on the stakeholders.

References / comparisons are made with similar examples/scenarios.

Any comments / opinions in the evaluation are supported/substantiated.

Explicit references are made to the 3Cs of contexts concepts and content.

There is a clear structure to the response, for example an introduction, body and conclusion.

The response is focused and demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the demands of the question. 

Response demonstrates sustained evaluation and synthesis that is effectively and consistently supported with relevant and accurate knowledge. 

The response is well-structured and effectively organised. 

Possible characteristics are: Insightful, precise, lucid