Year 9

The purpose of this page is to detail some of the work that is produced. I will try and remove names wherever possible, but some will inevitably creep through - if this causes an issue please let me know as soon as possible on the email listed in the footer. 

Autumn 2023 - Advice for parents evening

This year is a balance between offering your child a flavour of ICT and a flavour of Computer Science, so that they can make an informed decision. They have begun with a website design project and this will be followed up with a mini Computer Science coursework project. 

Trying to 'sell' the subject never works. So I will say

If you want more information, the specification is here: 

Or please email me on the details below.

If you want more information, the specification is here: 

Or please email me on the details below.

What can I (the parent) do to help?

That depends. Please have a conversation with your child. Do they actually want to do the subject? Apart from the core subjects of Maths and English and Science, now should be a time where their own interests take over. 

If they do, then perhaps the ideas below may help.

Computer Science. 

This can be split into 2 sections, Technical Knowledge and Programming Knowledge. 

Technical Knowledge 

and of course notes from the Kognity textbook which your child can access from their Google sign-on.

Programming knowledge

Python is used in the IGCSE so any practice on this would be beneficial. There are dozens of resources listed elsewhere in this site on the page 


and of course notes from the Kognity textbook which your child can access from their Google sign-on.

There is no expectation of any work being completed in advance, these are just ideas where you and your child can look for more ideas about what the course will bring. 

Summer 2023 - Cospaces

Students have been learning about Macbeth in English, studying key scenes. Coming into my class, students have taken that learning and the learning from Drama about scene building and camera positions to try and recreate the scenes using

Whilst the outcomes are not perfect, some interesting screencastify films can be produced. All of these scenes can be viewed in Virtual Reality (VR) through the author's co-spaces app. See below for a select few showing a range of outcomes. 

CoSpaces Edu __ MacBeth.webm
CoSpaces Edu __ MacBeth - Opera 2023-06-19 07-49-06.mp4
2023-06-18 19-37-35.mkv
Screen Recording 2023-06-12 at 9.23.49