Year 10

Autumn 2023 - Computer Science parents evening. 

We have had a successful start to the year, moving to almost complete unit 1, which is 50% of the course. The nature of the material means that a meaningful assessment is difficult until all of the material is covered, which will be in the next few weeks. This will give me an indication of where the students are at, this will be fed back in the next reporting window, (unless it creates a scenario that I feel  I must report on immediately).

The nature of the lessons is that I have been teaching the paper 1 content. More information can be found here. The expectation is that students will be using the homework time to go over their notes. 

Once that is done,  we will be branching out to broaden our Computer Science Knowledge, working on algorithms and a focus on paper 2. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.