Investigation into materials

Step 1 - Investigation into materials

What materials are your product, and your packaging made from?  Why? AS A GROUP you have been asked to investigate your chosen product, but before you do, you need to understand some key material properties. 

Physical properties:

Working properties:

As a group, prepare a presentation on the above with respect to:

You can use whatever resources you find, and perhaps AI such as Copilot to help you.  As a group, you need to provide a bibliography. No one is going to shout at you for using AI, but you must state that you have used it, including the prompt you used to get the answer.  

It is okay if you don't know the answer to some questions,  you won't know the answer to everything, if you don't know, just say so - don't ignore it.


Try searching for resistant materials revision and see what you get.

Step 2 - How do you prepare these materials? 

FOR YOUR CHOSEN MATERIAL, (remember everyone will have a different job) can you add to the presentation how you would prepare these materials? The preparation for the card is going to be very different from that of sheet metal.