6 Internal Assessment

There is a lot of work to be completed here. A lot of this work is on Google Classroom, as you know, and also available in the text book. 

A reminder though. Criterion A and B are a written document and Criterion C-E are the presentation

Criterion A - Inquiry Focus (3 marks)

Criterion B - Claims and Perspectives (6 Marks)

Criterion C - Analysis and Evaluation (6 Marks)

Criterion D - Conclusion ( 6 Marks)

Criterion E - Communication (3 Marks)

Criterion A: Inquiry focus (3 marks) 

Project element: Inquiry process document 

The inquiry process document demonstrates provides an inquiry focus with: 

• an explanation of the connection between the inquiry question, a specific, relevant real-world example as well as course concepts, content and contexts


The “focus stage of inquiry” includes details about developing and refining an inquiry focus.

Marks Level descriptor

0 - The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below

1 - The focus is limited and/or incomplete. The focus does not include all required elements and/or the real-world example is not specific or relevant to the inquiry.

2 - The focus is adequate. The focus includes an inquiry question and a partial explanation of its connection to a specific, relevant real-world example and course concepts, content and contexts.

3 - The focus is appropriate and targeted. The focus includes an inquiry question and a thorough explanation of its connection to a specific, relevant real-world example and course concepts, content and contexts

Checklist for the inquiry focus

Inquiry question

Course connections

Real-world example


Format of the focus

Criterion B: Claims and perspectives (6 marks) 

Project element: Inquiry process document. 

The inquiry process document demonstrates how research was conducted with: 

• a discussion of the claims and perspectives for three sources including a justification of their usefulness in the inquiry.


The “explore stage of inquiry” and “course toolkit” includes details about claims and perspectives, including how to effectively consider a source’s origin and purpose, meaning and methods as well as corroboration and use. A suggested structure for Criterion B could be as follows

Source 1

Origins and purpose summary:

Where did the source come from?

Who made it?

Why was the source created?

What are some potential biases and limitations for the source?

Meaning and methods summary:

What are the essential and/or main ideas in the source?

What kinds of methods (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed) are used to support these ideas?

How does the source communicate its ideas?

Corroboration and use summary:

Is the source corroborated by other sources and/or trusted experts in the field?

How has the source been used by different people, communities and platforms?

Can the claims in the source be verified?


Can you provide a clear and thorough justification as to why this source is relevant and useful for your inquiry?

Why this source and not another?

Repeat for the other 2 sources within the word count limit. 

Marks Level descriptor

0 - The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below

1-2  - The discussion of claims and perspectives is limited and primarily descriptive in nature. Fewer than three sources are discussed or there is no justification for their use in the inquiry.

3-4 - There is a partial discussion of the claims and perspectives for each source that includes some justification for their usefulness in the inquiry, but this is not fully developed

5-6 - There is a thorough discussion of the claims and perspectives for each source that includes a clear justification for their usefulness in the inquiry.

Checklist for claims and perspectives

Source selection

C+P: origins and purpose

C+P: meaning and methods

C+P: corroboration and use



Criterion C: Analysis and evaluation (6 marks) 

Project element: Presentation 

The balance of the presentation consists of:

• the student’s own sustained and well-supported analysis and evaluation of impacts and implications of the digital systems for people and communities


The “investigate stage of inquiry” includes sample supporting questions useful to consider for analysis and evaluation. Additionally, the “course toolkit” provides details about critical and creative thinking relevant to this criterion.

Marks Level descriptor

0 - The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below

1-2 - There is limited analysis and evaluation which is primarily descriptive in nature or of limited relevance to the inquiry focus.

3-4 - The student’s analysis and evaluation of impacts and implications for people and communities is adequate, but this is not always sustained or well-supported.

5-6 - The student’s analysis and evaluation of impacts and implications for people and communities is effective, sustained and well-supported by evidence.

Checklist for analysis and evaluation






Criterion D - Project element: Presentation 

The presentation concludes by providing: 

• further insight reflecting the student’s new understanding and ideas about their inquiry focus following analysis and evaluation 

• a discussion of emerging trends and future developments.


The “reflect stage of inquiry” includes details about offering further insight at the close of inquiry. Additionally, the “course toolkit” provides details about critical and creative thinking relevant to this criterion.

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below

1-2 The conclusion is limited with little further insight into the inquiry focus. Emerging trends and future developments are referenced with limited or no discussion.

3-4 The conclusion provides adequate further insight into the inquiry focus with a partial discussion of emerging trends and future developments.

5-6 The conclusion provides effective and well-supported further insight into the inquiry focus with a thorough and substantiated discussion of emerging trends and future developments.

Checklist for conclusion

Insight into inquiry focus

Emerging trends and future developments


Criterion E: Communication (3 marks) 

Project element: Presentation 

The presentation supports understandings through: 

• organization of ideas and evidence 

• coherent use of media


The “share stage of inquiry” includes details about sharing discoveries with others. Additionally, the “course toolkit” provides details about effective communication relevant to this criterion.

Marks Level descriptor

0 - The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below

1 - Communication is limited. The presentation’s organization and use of media are limited and do not support understanding.

2 - Communication is adequate. The presentation is adequately organized and the use of media is at times coherent but this is not sustained or only partially effective in supporting understanding.

3 - Communication is effective. The presentation is well-organized and coherently uses media to support understanding.

Checklist for the presentation and communication


Coherent use of media

Citations in the project

Reference details

Does each reference include, if known, the following details: