
Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.

Its 5-year mission:

To explore strange new worlds,

To seek out new life and new civilizations,

To boldly go where no man has gone before.

These are the opening lines to Star Trek, first seen on television in 1966, almost 160 years ago.  The year is 2124. These have driven your studies through school and further studies, and you are now on the SS Mackie approaching a strange new world. You have your mission logs. Remember to use your training at the academy to be flexible as you solve problems along the way. 

Good luck, enjoy working together and have fun. Remember to fill in your diaries along the way and use the structure. 

TAKE PHOTOS. MAKE NOTES. You are going to be putting together a Video Log of your presentation at the end of the process. The more media you have, the better that your content is going to be.

Materials required

Surprises. I love surprises, boxes of chocolates, my old teachers saying "no holiday homework", all amazing surprises. However, I don't like surprises when it comes to landing on a world that no one has been to before. So you need to plan as you approach the new planet. 

Here is your opportunity to be creative. Design your planet;

STEAM process

Analysis - What do you understand the problem to be? What are your success criteria? What are you working towards? What would your success criteria be? I would assume that you need a clear idea of what it is you are going to be landing on. 

Design - Sketch out some ideas. How can you represent your model? You can access all sorts of cool stuff, but you need to have an idea of what you are going to achieve before you start. 

Build - Make it! Can you hang your display? Add your computer presentation. Whatever skills you have you can use to complete your presentation. Canva? PowerPoint? Sway? CoSpaces? See if you can use an EduCube to produce a 3D model of your planet. 

Evaluation - Link back to your success criteria - did you succeed? If so, yeah! If not, what else could you have done?

Build ideas

How to 3D model your planet - an idea....

My Movie.MOV