Section 1

1.1 A Digital Society has multiple names

From the Specification Information age, the computer age, post-industrial society, network society, the fourth industrial revolution

1.1B Digital society is characterized by uneven access to digital systems

From the Specification Digital divide(s)

1.1C Milestones in the development of digital society

From the Specification Integrated circuit, microprocessor, personal computer, the internet, online social networks, mobile and cloud computing

1.1D Digital systems use binary digits to represent data and information

From the Specification Binary, bits, bytes

1.1E The digital is different from the analogue

From the Specification

Analogue • Continuous physical qualities and signals

Digital • Discrete signals with finite set of values

1.1F Digitization changes data and information from analogue to digital

From the Specification Digital preservation, digital archives, digital reformatting

1.1G Digitalization is the use of digital systems to change the structure..

From the Specification Digitalization and disruption in education, businesses and organizations