Friday night activities

You've done your calligraphy and you have your kits.

Its' time to start thinking about "other worlds". 

Lets get your  Space kit ready. 

Documents required

Template A and template B

more details available on

We are not going to play with glue whilst we eat. There is tape, pens and scissors available.

A & B need to be stuck together to create one tempate. 

Cut out 3 x A, and 2 x B, C, D, E from your foam sheet - use your resources wisely, you don't have spares in space.

Begin by sticking D to E as shown. Do this twice

Then stick all 3 A's together and place a B at either end.  You go slowly and curve the shape as you go.

E is where your ears go. you should be able to mould the A's and B's around your D and E

Then use the C for the face plates. Once you have gently taped it together, you can untape it and decorate.