

There are a number of resources that can be deployed to help you (or your students) succeed in learning animation

Problem-solving cycle.

Here is a document that explains BIS HCMC's approach to teaching problem-solving, including the Analysis and Evaluation sections of the problem-solving cycle in the context of creating an animation. 


The Analysis is fairly straightforward - who is the target audience for your animation? Is it adults? Peers, younger or older students, in fact, any other way of splitting people into groups.

Then, you have to think about what is the impact of the decisions you have made on the colours you use, the language you use, and the presentation you make.

Finally, how will you know you have been successful? What are the success criteria?


Storyboarding from OCR (UK exam board)


Resources for Blender


1) 2D Animation - the bouncing ball tutorial

2) 3D How to create a stage and light it.

3) 3D Modelling task

4) 3D Animation Task

5) 3D modelling with slices

6) Using the dopesheet for multiple objects in 2D animation

7) Using the dopesheet for multiple objects in 3D animation

Final message for the Fobisia competition

Resources prepared by student leaders

Plant Pot

Plant Pot 2

Animating your plant pot

Others that caught my eye. 

Resources for Scratch

Resources that caught my eye 

In fact, just search on YouTube for "scratch mit animation" and see what comes up! 


The evaluation can be about how much fun you had, but is better if it is a link back to the success criteria.