Paper 3 Question 4 (12 marks)

This rubric is in this format for use with generative AI.


1 – 3 Marks (Limited)
There is unlikely to be any appropriate terminology used.

There is no reference to the sources (it is a generic / pre-rehearsed response).

The recommendation may be no more a series of unconnected statements/assertions.

There is no structure in the response. It may be a list.
Possible characteristics: Ineffective, listing, unstructured


4 – 6 marks (Partial/Some)

Identifies and/or defines appropriate terminology.

The response is explicitly linked to the sources.

There is an implicit reference to real-world examples relevant to the pre-release.

Comments / opinions in the recommendation go beyond simple assertions.

Limited evidence of structure. For example, there may be an introduction OR a conclusion.

Possible characteristics: Superficial, descriptive



7 – 9 Marks (Adequate)

Identifies and/or defines appropriate terminology.

The response is explicitly linked to the sources.

There is an explicit reference to real-world examples relevant to the pre-release.

Comments / opinions in the recommendation go beyond simple assertions. Potential weaknesses (trade-offs) in the recommendation may be implicit.

There are implicit references to the 3Cs.

Some evidence of structure. For example, there may be an introduction, some analysis, an attempt at a conclusion.

Possible characteristics: Relevant, analytical, organised


10 – 12 Marks (in-depth)

Terminology relating to the question is used appropriately.

The response is explicitly linked to the sources.

There is an explicit reference to real-world examples relevant to the pre-release.

Any comments / opinions in the recommendation are supported/substantiated. Potential weaknesses (trade-offs) in the recommendation are identified.

Explicit references are made to the 3Cs.

There is a clear structure to the response, for example an introduction, body and conclusion.

Possible characteristics: Insightful, precise, lucid