5.2 Governance and Human Rights

From the Specification:

Governance and human rights are significant challenges in digital society. Governance and human rights intersect in important ways with many digital systems.

Sample extended enquiry interventions

The following are possible examples of interventions that students might consider during extended inquiries into prescribed areas of this challenge topic.

• A peace activist creates an online social network to connect with prominent activists around the globe.

• A student develops an online information campaign to highlight dates and times for local government meetings.

• A microblogging platform announces an automated rating system to label and/or block hate speech from their users.

These are examples only. Students should, as part of their extended inquiries, consider their own real-world examples and interventions to evaluate their effectiveness as well as to recommend steps for future action.

5.2A Conflict, peace and security

From the Specification:

• Wars and civil conflicts

• Regional, national and global security

5.2B Participation and representation

From the Specification:

• Political speech and activism

• Access and representation in governing bodies and institutions

5.2C Diversity and discrimination

From the Specification:

• Gender equality

• Racial and ethnic discrimination

• Ability, access and inclusion

• Tolerance for religions and cultural differences

Potential News Articles

5.2A Conflict, peace and security

5.2B Participation and representation

Making sure all voices are heard in the new world - https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/may/22/there-was-all-sorts-of-toxic-behaviour-timnit-gebru-on-her-sacking-by-google-ais-dangers-and-big-techs-biases 

AI in politics - https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/may/20/elections-in-uk-and-us-at-risk-from-ai-driven-disinformation-say-experts?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other 

This one could fit into so many spaces!! - https://www.bbc.com/news/business-61742884

5.2C Diversity and discrimination

To what extent is education moving to a “tri-brid” model that flows between in-person, online and simulated environments?